Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just life! And some potty training!

This week has been a whirlwind of events and I am finally able to sit and relax...and watch American Idol:)
Now, the following is just for me to I am warning you it might be a tad boring...although all of it is special to me. The last post I wrote was about Mother's Day...about what my mother has meant to me and everything that I hope I am to my children. This mother's day Hayden, Colt and I headed to church, after fighting them both to get dressed and out the door...Sundays are always those kind of mornings that are a little hard for the kids...and the parent. But, we made it out the door and this week we were only 10 minutes late:) We are getting closer!! yikes! It seems no matter how early I get up, get the kids up, we still just cannot get out the door on time. Nic had to work as usual on a Sunday, so I was thankful when I drove up and saw my dad standing there ready for the kids.
After church, the kids and I went home and went to work on the house we neglected all weekend...whoops. We were having our families over for the special day for a late lunch. It was very special to me to be in the same room with the women that have shaped my life. I received beautiful flowers from both my father and my husband:) That evening Nic had a couple of softball games that we went to...which was a blast! Even though I have NO CLUE what happened during the games due to 2 very energetic kids demanding my attention! They were great though and it was such a beautiful day to be outside!
I forget let's get to Tuesday...
I had the privilege to watch a friend's 3 girls...3-month old twins and a 2 1/2 year old. I have to admit...I was nervous that I wasn't going to be able to handle 5 kids 2 and under...but...the girls were excellent. Hayden and Ry played wonderfully together and I enjoyed holding babies again. It is weird to think that I don't have a baby anymore. I missed that stage more than I thought. We spent the day reading books, singing Jesus Loves Me, playing, eating, going potty. Which brings me to this next point. Ry is potty every time she went on the little potty, Hayden watched her intently, got her toilet paper, and then asked to go after her. It was AWESOME! She went pee in the potty every stinkin' time...well...except for the time she started to tinkle on the floor, but then ran and did the rest in the potty... and even asked to go. Now, I have been trying for months to get Hayden to sit on that potty and...nothing. She would sit (sometimes) and then just get up and run away. I tried books, I tried songs, I tried showing, I tried bribing...and nothing...until a 2 year old came along and did my job in one single day. As soon as they left, I had to get ready and leave for a dinner with the VP of Shaklee sales. Let me tell you, it was an awesome time being able to just get to know Dave and how down to earth he is. I loved hearing about his story and how he ended up where he is right now. We had a meeting after that at the Flemming's where he spoke to everyone there. It was AWESOME!
This morning had a great surprise when I woke up! Well, besides my little girl crawling ON TOP of my face! She went potty right away in the morning all by herself. But that wasn't the surprise. Nic had early morning open gym and came home to tell me that he would like to go to the zoo! I was soooo excited to be spending a whole day with my little family! The kids absolutely loved the animals and were perfect little angels. Colton was very excited to see each animal as he pointed and asked, "waz at?" Hayden walked almost the entire time and led the way. It is so fun at this age to see that they are actually enjoying themselves and like to see the animals. We then spend the afternoon at my parents' house where the kids (and Nic) napped and played outside on the swing set. The night ended with a little cookout with Tara, Steve, and little Hannah. It was HOT today....but I am not complaining! I loved it! The kids loved it as well! Today was the kind of day that I just relish in...the kind of day that makes me so thankful for what God has blessed me with...great family, great friends, great food, great life!

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