It is FINALLY MAY!!!! Can you tell I am excited? Well, I am! May means warmer weather, walks, playing at the park, BEAUTIFUL and blooming flowers, and GREEN GRASS! I think the reason I am so anxious for all the above is because my nature girl would live outside if she could, which means I, by default, will be living outside. I am not complaining, though. I love the fact that she would rather be outside running around like crazy instead of cooped inside, sitting on the couch like a couch potato, watching cartoons all day. Although...some days that sounds amazing:)
This week leading up to May was full of blessings.
Colton and Hayden had their doctor appointments on the Tuesday, the 26th. They are perfectly healthy and growing right on track....well...Colton a little slower, but he is healthy and that is all that matters! Colton is now 30 1/4 inches long (66%) and 19 pounds (4%). Hayden is now 37 1/4 in (85%) and 30.4 pounds (69%). They both did an awesome job for the doctor and he was impressed...I assured him they were on their best behavior because I have never seen Hayden sit that well and let someone check her ears, heartbeat, stomach, and mouth like that...she usually bites me or thrashes herself around when I try to see her ears. Gotta love her! Anyways, we are so grateful for 2 healthy children.
Little Brigham David Rahn made his entrance into the world on April 28th. I could barely sleep...actually I didn't really sleep...waiting for the text updates. He is SO incredibly sweet and handsome. Nic and I are so happy for our amazing friends and their new addition!! Whit and Jas are already incredible parents and we couldn't be more thrilled for them! (Hope you guys don't mind me putting your pics up!!)

On Friday we were FINALLY able to do our family pictures. We had been planning to do them for awhile, but Nic and I wanted outdoor pictures at Notre Dame...and well...we all know that wasn't happening with the weather we were having. But Friday was perfect. It was beautiful out and not too cool. Brittani did such a great job with the kids and we just had fun! We went to high school with her and then Bethel and so it was good to reconnect. Here are the sneak peeks:

Friday was also a special day because of the Royal Wedding. I know that people were totally sick of hearing about it, but I love it for some reason. I loved Princess Diana and remember vividly the day she died. I also had a HUGE crush on Will...I even had a calendar where every month would be a picture of him...for a whole year! I didn't wake up early to watch the wedding, but I did watch they played it over and over and so I watched it over and over. It was beautiful. Hayden even liked watching part of it...especially Kate's dress. She would point at it and raise her eyebrows and say "oooo, pretty, mommy." It was cute:)
May also means...SOFTBALL SEASON! Nic has played with these guys since we were just dating. Through the years the teams have changed a little, with guys taking breaks here and there, but this year they have come together again like the old days. It is a little different now. There are LOTS MORE KIDS! It has been fun to watch the transformation over the years as dating relationships become engagements become marriages become families. Don't tell Nic, but I really like to go to the games just to socialize with the other wives:) Even though we don't really see each other through the winter, we pick up where we left off. Yesterday was the first tournament of the season and it was a beautiful day for it...although windy! I had a meeting in Elkhart so I came when I was finished. Hayden and Colton were in heaven feeling free to roam around. They did an excellent job...although my socializing took a hit! I feel like I got just as much workout as Nic with keeping up with the 2 kids at the ball field. I am looking forward to Sunday evenings at the ball field with my children. Oh yeah, the team won a lot they went into the evening and ended sometime after dark. I took the kids home before it ended:)
You were with me at the lake when Princess Diana died...I still remember your dad walking in and announcing it after he picked up the paper. And of course I watched the wedding, because it was supposed to be MY wedding to MY prince!
HAHA!! You are so right..It was such a weird feeling hearing about it! Hope you are doing well!
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