We are now on our second morning here in wonderful Aruba. It is a little overcast this morning but it has been and amazing morning so far. I have been able to spend some quality time with my Heavenly Father out on the balcony. It gave me time just to reflect on everything I have been blessed with and everything I am so thankful for. From our balcony you can see the ocean...what a beautiful scene. God is truly amazing. This week I am working on memorizing Philippians 4:6-9. I have read these verses MANY times but have never truly reflected on the meaning of it. The first time that I have ever REALLY focused on these verses was with my mentor about a year ago. If you know me at all, you know that I struggle with worry...one of my HUGE weaknesses that I am ALWAYS trying to work on. These verses I have found to be comforting.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
God is good...and He knows my heart.
Yesterday was our first full day and let me tell you, it couldn't have been more perfect. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and the perfect breeze. Hayden and Colton were in heaven withe the water and their little floats. It is so much fun to watch them where they are at an age to just laugh and laugh and have fun! Colton just mostly laughed at Hayden as she chased after the birds and the iguanas. Nic took the kids up to take a nap in the middle of the day while he watched some basketball and relaxed....which gave me a couple hours to enjoy by the pool with my book! I couldn't believe it...I was actually able to read...by the pool...not worrying about little kids by the pool. It was heavenly....the only problem is...my skin suffered during that time big time. I really did put sunscreen on...but the problem is I haven't even been touched by the sun since like a million years ago...let alone the Aruba sun (which is VERY different!). Let's just say it looks like my daughter put my lotion on by all the splotches and weird tan lines! HA! Actually, it isn't very funny because the pain was awful while trying to sleep and now my muscles are tensed from the stinging...BUT it was still worth it!! Maybe God knew we needed this overcast morning with a little shower to give my poor skin a break!
After cleaning up from the gorgeous afternoon, we headed out to walk around and ended up eating at Senor Frogs...which was SUPER good. I have been so proud of Hayden and Colton so far. They have been in amazing moods and just loving life...partly because they are being spoiled to death by Papi and Mamaw...and Rara.
Well, it is time to head out to the pool...but don't worry...the shade is calling my name loud and clear!
Ok....I'm back after another wonderful day. It is around 8:30 now and Bubby is asleep and we are watching Dancing with the Stars. We spent the afternoon by the pool again...except today I stayed under our little hut! Hayden took a walk with Nic down to the beach and Bubby took 2 great naps! There is a long stair type thing to the pool where the kids like to sit and play. The guy that takes care of the pool was so kind to let us borrow a basket-ful of toys for them to play with.
For dinner, we headed downtown where the big cruise ships come in. We ate a place called Iguana Joe's. We then walked down to the docks where there are yachts and we watched the sun go down. Another site of God's beauty.
Today I also realized something...my son is 11 months old...in ONE month, he will be a year old...sigh...so here is his monthly letter.
Dear Colton,
Today you are 11 months old. It is so hard to believe that in exactly one month, you will be 1 year old. You have grown into such a hilarious personality. You know what you want, and you don't stop until you get it! You are VERY active and love to crawl EVERYWHERE. You crawl faster than your mommy can walk. You are so close to standing on your own. You pull up on everything and everyone. You love to chase after your sister and just laugh and laugh at her.
You grab any food that is in sight. If you can't get to it you grunt and close your hands to make fists. It is quite the sight! You like ALL foods...except your baby vegetable foods. You prefer the food we eat and even with only 6 teeth, you can basically eat anything. You have tried hotdogs, fries, hamburger, chicken, ice cream, apples, bananas, and many more foods.
You are sleeping wonderfully. You sleep from about 7:30 pm-8:00 am. You are also taking about 2 hour long naps. You have turned into such a great sleeper and I am so thankful for that.
About three weeks ago, you came down with your first really bad sickness. You couldn't keep anything down and just wanted to sleep on my chest. You were never really cranky and just slept a lot. Your sister was also sick, so you two just sat in the recliner and snuggled with me.
You make us laugh with those eye brows and your handsome little looks. You light up when you see people you know. You love to wave and you say, "uh-oh" ALL the time!!
You love your basketball and will chase it around EVERYWHERE!! You love your bath time and keep yourself very entertained.
You are a content little old man and just love to laugh.
You are such a wonderful little boy and I just can't get enough of your big brown eyes and those wonderful hugs where you pull my neck in and just smile.
I love you so much and want to hold on to every second that I have with you.
You are my sweet, sweet son.
Your mommy