Saturday, January 29, 2011
Update on Grandpa
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Be Still
Monday, January 24, 2011
Happy 27th Birthday, Nic!

I wrote the following yesterday but didn't have time to actually post it!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Jaclyn's Baby Shower
Today we celebrated a special friend who will shortly be holding her precious baby girl in her arms. Today we watched Jaclyn be totally blessed by family and friends. It melted my heart to watch her open her presents....A LOT of presents...knowing that she will soon...know the love of a mother for her child. Knowing that her life will forever be changed. She is going to be such a wonderful mommy and Allanah will be so loved. She already is. I can't wait to see Jaclyn holding her little girl and see the love flowing out of her heart for her precious daughter.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Help wanted!
Colton is 9 months!

Dear Precious Colton,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Where's my flag?
For all of us, if we are following Christ, there will be a time (or two or three or four...) where in our christian journey we will wrestle with God all night long. . . eventually dawn must come and a time where we lay down our will, our plans, our reputation, or whatever, and declare that it's His will we are after, and not our own.
Last night was one of those nights. I was born with an inborn determination to run my own life. Don't tell me you weren't - because we all were. Last night I finally came to a point, not sure when but it happened, where I felt like I could have just pulled up our white sheet and waved it in the cold out on our deck up to the heavens and said, "God, I surrender."
I've said these words before, but I will say them my whole life. And at different times in my life, different things must be surrendered. We get in our minds surrender to mean weakness. I really hate the word. Honestly, surrender makes my nose wrinkle up. When in reality surrender is what I need most - to finally get strength.
It's one of those paradox things.
By surrender, I finally had peace with what God was/is doing - and He is doing something so very out of my comfort zone! It takes a lot to shock me, but I've been shocked. But quite frankly, now that I really think about it with His perspective, this is all going to be something so very great, wonderful. Something beautiful.
But today I have my bed sheet out as a literal reminder to me that I am surrendered to God in this that He has done. Not just fully surrendered, but rejoicing with a new found thrilling excitement.
I do think our biggest battle we wage is against our own flesh and it's desire to control and be god. The beast that is self wants to fight against God being God all the way, but when we surrender to Him - that is when the battle is won for our souls.
We don't win all wars all at once. We win them one at a time. One day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time.
Let Your will be done, Lord. In Your power AWAKEN me - for YOU and You alone, awake my soul and sing!
And I do rejoice! My white "flag" is waving.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Special Moments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Starting of the year with a BANG..of sickness
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I Trust You, Jesus
We are now into the fourth day of the year 2011…it’s funny to read statuses on Facebook about different resolutions that people have…lose weight, clean more, cook more, be a better person, be more positive…and how long do these last? A couple months, days, maybe even one day? I am not saying these things are bad or you shouldn’t make resolutions or even goals…as a matter of fact I sat down on Monday and started making some of my own goals for this coming year. I think about what I want to accomplish, what I want to challenge myself to. When I sit here on December 31, 2011, what do I want to look back on from the year and smile at? Is there any worth to making the so called resolutions?
As I continued with my so-called goal list, I got excited to dream about what my year can look like. Do I know for sure what my year holds? No, I certainly don’t. I don’t know what trials my family will go through. I don’t know the joyous occasions that we will come across. I do know this…through everything, I want to look back on this year and KNOW that I trusted God in every situation, every decision. I want to KNOW that I gave God reign of everything that my family comes across. I want to KNOW that through every decision, Nic and I put God in the center and sought God’s wisdom. I want to KNOW that could honestly look back over the year and see God’s faithfulness through our lives.
One of my goals for the year is to read a passage of scripture a day. This past year I am not particularly proud of the time I spent with my heavenly father. Actually…I am kind of embarrassed. My mom gave each of us girls a little book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. She also has a copy of the book. She challenged each of us to read a section a day. It is something that we could do together without actually being together. I want to make it a goal to hold to that promise to my mom and spend that special time reading about God’s promises. Yes, I talk to God daily, but I want to spend time IN His word as well.
When I opened the little book to today’s passage, I was caught off guard what I read in the first sentence. It said, “I want you to learn a new habit. Try saying, ‘I trust You, Jesus’ in response to whatever happens to you.” I had to take a few minutes to let that statement sink in. Of course it is an easy sentence to read…ok, I need to trust Jesus, blah, blah, blah. But stop and think for a sec…do I REALLY trust Jesus…or do I just say I trust Jesus. In every decision I make, in every circumstance, do I trust Him? I can honestly say I want to trust Him, but I can honestly say most times I have a little doubt hidden somewhere. Sometimes I think, “is God really here with me? Does he actually care about what I do in this situation??” When this happens I start to doubt that he actually cares, that he is really here with me…sometimes to the point that I doubt that God even hears me.
So…after taking a minutes to ponder, I continued to read…”This simple practice will help you see Me in every situation, acknowledging My sovereign control over the universe.” Umm…HELLO…How can you not have trust in someone who can control the WHOLE universe? The last sentence is what I am holding onto right now…”Your continual assertion of trusting Me will strengthen our relationship and keep you close to Me.” That’s what I want…that’s what I want to read at the end of the year 2011 and say, that’s what I did…I trusted HIM and grew closer to Him. I want to be able to say, “I trusted God with…my children, my husband, the growth of our business, our health, our finances, our everyday decisions.” I DON’T want to look back on this year and say, “well, that was a nice thought that lasted about a week.” So, the reason I am pouring out my heart is because I want to be held accountable for this “goal”.
I have NO clue what this year holds…or what our family will face, but I do know I will trust God. Do I know that this decision will be hard? Yes, I do. Most times I want to handle situations myself…I worry…I second guess…I doubt…but now I want to say…I trust.
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139:7-10