Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Van, New Swim Class, Slow Down Life!

Life is feeling a little more normal as the days go by. I already feel like time is going too fast. My "newborn" is almost one month. How is that? I NEED time to slow down. I am trying to memorize every second and lock it away in my mind...but somehow my brain doesn't remember like it used to...that is why I need my record the things I can remember:)
Let's see...since last time I blogged, Easton has had his "2 week" appointment which was really when he was almost 3 weeks...and let me tell ya, the boy is growing just fine. He is up to 7 pounds 12 ounces already...holy moly. He is having no problem eating. We did have our first little scare with him though. A couple days before his appointment, I noticed a bump that looked like a huge pimple a little below his belly button. I called about it and they told me to keep an eye one it. That night it got really huge and then popped. I didn't really think anything of it since it looked a lot better once it popped. The morning after his appointment (Friday), he had another huge bump that looked the same as the first. When it popped, it looked I called again. They wanted to see him to do a culture. We found out that they found organisms, two of which were Ecoli (I don't know how to spell it!) and MRSA. I panicked right away. First, cause I didn't know what MRSA was, and second, because it just didn't sound good. He is now on antibiotics and I have to apply a cream every time I change his diaper. Prayerfully that will be good enough. Poor boy. He doesn't seemed bothered by it, so that is good. He is still a great baby and so laid back. Hayden and Colton have fallen in love with him and ask for him right away in the mornings. Colt even asks, "where is my baby Easton?" It is precious, I must say. He is still waking every 2 hours at night to eat, which makes one tired mamma. It's worth it, though. 
Today was a big day for Miss Hayden. It was her first swim lesson. She did such an awesome job. It was kind of a big deal since it is the first kind of lesson that she has been involved in. I was so proud of my girl. Shepard is a fabulous place. I was very impressed. They were singing songs like the ABC's while doing back floats and were rewarded with M&Ms. Every week has a different theme and this week was a "pirate" she received an eye patch at the end. She loved it. 
We were going to wait to start Colt, but after all the screaming and the disappointment from the little guy, we are going to start him next week. I pray that it is the right decision. I just worry about him listening to the teacher and not just jumping in every chance he has:) Crazy boy.
OH, and...we got a van!! We I have been wanting one for a long time because the pathfinder is just such a pain with the kids and I knew we needed the room. I am so thankful that we were able to get one and I know it is the perfect vehicle for us. God is good. The kids like it a lot as well and love the fact they can walk around in it!
That's all I have to share about for here are some pictures from the last week...and yes, I am obsessed with taking pictures.

Another Tournament with Mom watching Daddy
Nic looking sexy driving the new van:)

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