Friday, September 14, 2012

Easton-One Month

Dear Sweet Easton,

You are now one month old. A WHOLE month. I still can't believe you have been out of the womb that long and yet I can't imagine life without you being a part of our family. You go right with the flow of all our activities. You are a very content baby. You kind of have to be with the craziness of our family. Easton, you are one sweet, sweet baby boy. You love to snuggle ALL day and ALL night. And I am ok with that. You love your Moby wrap and would spend all day in it if I allowed it. Everyone who holds you falls in love with you. You snuggle right up to them and are just so content in their arms. Your favorite position is right up against the chest with your head nestled in the neck of whoever is holding you. 
Your siblings are really getting attached to you and worry when you are not around. They have to make sure you are wherever they are. I love that. Your brother has already tried "carrying" you without my supervision. You weren't hurt, and I was only in the other room to get his milk, but I know NEVER to leave him alone with you even for a few seconds:) I can already tell you three will be the best of friends. Hayden is your little mother. She wants to hold you all the time and take care of you. She is great with you. Colt, on the other hand...let's just say you guys will be wrestling a lot and doing all those "boy" things. But he does love you.
You are a great eater and I believe that you will be bigger than your brother. You are around 9 pounds now but still in your newborn clothes...although you are almost too long for them. You eat every 2 hours...even during the night. That means your mommy isn't getting much sleep. That's ok though...I will catch up later. You are also having a hard time at night because you do not like being on your back. You prefer your stomach...which scares me to death! 
You are starting to get the hang of the pacifier...kind of. You rarely actually use it. That's ok with me. You take after your brother. 
You have been staying awake during the day more and are really starting to take in your surroundings. I could stare into your eyes all day if I could. They are beautiful. You have dimples on both cheeks, which are absolutely adorable. You are so close to smiling. I see you sometimes half smiling in your sleep and I melt every time. You also make the cutest noises in your sleep. It makes me wonder what you are dreaming about. 
You have been to many places in your first month and have met many people. Some of those places include daddy's softball tournaments/games, the mall, numerous restaurants and stores, your grandpa Minder's wedding, and many more places. 
I love you more than you will ever know, precious boy. I pray for you and your brother and sister everyday. Please never forget that. I am so blessed to be your mother and very thankful. 

Love you forever,
Your Mommy

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