Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rough Night

It is about 11 pm on a Tuesday night. My precious Easton is laying on my chest...his favorite place...his only place of comfort lately. He is four weeks now. Can't believe it.
Tonight I am struggling. Hayden has been really acting out. I mean to the point where I told Nic tonight I just don't know how to handle her and I feel that what I do isn't enough to make her want to change. I know that it is a heart issue. I know that she needs to want to stop acting the way she does at times. I know she is only 3. But it is hard to watch and it is hard to control myself. When she does things deliberately, it makes me go crazy inside. I know that as a parent you fail at times...but I feel like I have been failing a lot lately. I feel like I am so hard on her. But the truth is, I just don't know how to handle it. Spanking doesn't work...time out doesn't work...yelling doesn't work...talking sternly doesn't work...talking in a calm voice doesn't work...sending her to her room doesn't work. I don't know what else to do.
Every morning I pray that God will give me the wisdom I need to handle situations that happen that day. I pray that I will be an example to my children. I pray that I will show grace for my children that God shows me. I pray that I will be a guide for my babies. But I fail.
Hayden has a beautiful soul. She is precious. I just don't know how to make her see that some of her actions and reactions are sinful and that is not how we act at certain times. Again, I know she is young, but I also want her to see that her actions have consequences.
Please don't get me wrong...,my Hayden girl is very sweet. She has a lot of love in her heart. I know her world has been changed when Easton came along. I just want to be able to help her....and in a way that is positive and pleasing to God.
Alright, it's late and Easton is actually sleeping...so I need to too:)

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