Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sleep Troubles...again

Right now I need life to slow down just a little. As much as I want to be able to record everything, I am finding that by night time when the kids are all asleep I am just too darn tired to get on here and recall the day.
This past weekend and this week have been a little trying with both Hayden and Colton having colds. They aren't getting much sleep so I have had to pray for extra grace and have had to step away and count to 10 many times. Bless their hearts.
I write these moments/feelings down not to complain or to feel bad for myself, but so that one day, when the my babies have their own babies, I can look back and say, "it's ok, I have been there. You WILL get through it." Maybe it could also be of help to them in some way.
Speaking of sleeping...Hayden is still not sleeping. She will NOT fall asleep until 11:30-12. Then she wakes up when Bubby wakes up in the morning. I know she is tired but her body just won't shut down. She has a hard time with naps as well (I know she is getting to the age where she doesn't need them, but she really does!). Sometimes I will wake up to feed Easton and she is wide awake. Needless to say, I am exhausted. She also won't sleep in her room, so that is a challenge as well. She has been sleeping on the couch again. We decided to try melatonin...so we will see how that works. I hesitate to use any kind of medication for such a young age, but we just don't know how to get her to sleep.
On an up side, I have started going to Bible study at First Baptist with my mom, sister, and grandma. We are studying the Tabernacle. At first I was a little hesitant on it, but I am already in love with the study. It is extremely challenging, but amazing. It is a Beth Moore study, so we watch her on video for party of our time together. This is what I have been craving for so long. Something that would guide me through God's word and really challenge my heart. I always want to read my Bible but never really know where to start or what to do with what I read. I also am thankful I can do this with my family. There is just something special about that.
I have also been doing devotions with the kids before they go to bed. I can't tell you what a blessing this time has been. We have been reading from a little kid's devotional that my mom had gotten them. We started with the story of Adam and Eve. There is a little reading and then questions to go along with the passage. We end in prayer.
Just a couple quotes since starting this:
Me-"Who have we been learning about? (pointing to a picture of a man and woman)
Hayden-"Uncle Adam and Jamie!"
Me- "Close"

Me- "How does it make God feel when we don't listen to him?"
Colt- "Broke...we broke his heart."
Hayden- "Like we break your heart when we don't listen to you?"

Seriously...these kids melt my heart.

My mom, bless her heart, has offered to take the older two kids on Thursdays so I can run errands and go to different appointments and catch up on housework. This has been such a blessing for me because it allows me to spend some one on one with little Easton as well as renew my energy for when the kids return:). But...this past Thursday we decided to take a ride to Ft. Wayne. Kris needed to check on a few things with her apartment so we all went. If you know me, you know my family is everything to me. My sisters and mom are my best friends. So, as you can imagine, I took in every second of that day to be with Kris and my mom. I missed Sarah though!

I think that is all that is new around here. Oh yeah, Nic is wanting me to go back to work. I don't want to yet. Not because I am lazy, but I can't fathom to leave my babies right now...especially with Easton so young. I know I will need to eventually, just don't know what to do. I really don't feel that I can handle full time teaching right now...I wish I could somehow get a part time job that paid well! Oh well...I will just keep praying for wisdom!

I am ready to hit the sack...baby will be up in about 2 hours to eat:)

 FIrst smiles!!
This picture is just precious to me. I love it. And I love the 2 men in it!

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