Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ramblings to stay distracted from the knife...

Today is a the day my sister has been waiting for all summer. After months of appointments, ups and downs, Sarah has finally found an answer to her "tree trunk leg" problem. Please don't tell her I said that...she might hurt me. As we speak, she is under the knife:) The doctor will be releasing her vein from being trapped by her muscle. There is a scientific term, but let's be real, I have absolutely no idea to even pronounce it, let alone spell it out. Anyways, I think I am rambling right now just to keep my anxiety down. You would think it was my own daughter. That's ok, I helped raise her...right, mom?!:) Just please take a moment to say a little prayer for her and the doctor.
Ok, so what else can I talk about?
The fair has started which means my husband has been turned into the county carny....well...one that is wearing a uniform. He has been working the fair and not getting home until after midnight. BUT that meant we got yesterday morning/afternoon together. We only had Reagan so we decided to take her and her cousin and the kids to the zoo. All 4 kids were absolutely perfect and I can't wait to recruit the girls as babysitters in a couple years!! The weather was rather nice and all in all it was a wonderful day.
Colton's personality is growing more and more as the days go by. He makes me laugh EVERY time I look at him...except when those times are his amazingly huge fits when he throws himself backwards, straightens, starts kicking his legs, and screaming. Other than that, he is a hoot. He no longer crawls and walks with his little arms up...and, well, it just makes me laugh. He is learning how to walk faster and faster to keep up with his sister. He laughs at everything and has a smile plastered over his face. One of my favorite things that he is doing right now is coming right up to me to throw his body on me for a hug and then opens his mouth for a kiss. I am having a little problem though right now. He is constantly throwing things. All day long he carries around a ball. He throws it, chases it, and just keeps himself entertained. BUT he doesn't only throw balls. He throws EVERYTHING and I don't know how to help him with this problem. I remember it with Hayden, but I forget what we did for it. Yikes. What a character.
Hayden has been growing up before our eyes. I think it is because of having older kids in the house during the day. She has been wanting to do everything they do, including cleaning her place up after she eats. I am so thankful that the girls have been so wonderful to her and such great examples for her. She loves them. She is in a stage right now where she lines up everything, whether they are dinosaurs, blocks, dolls, tea cups. She takes her time and makes them just right. She also has been watching the girls build with the foam stacking blocks and I found her last night in the playroom building away by herself. It was actually very neat.

Time out...do people realize how LOUD they are in the waiting rooms? I mean really...I don't really want to hear about this battery that is now in a pee cup and is really neat looking from the doctor.

Ok. Time in. One thing that has been making me smile recently is watching the 2 kids together. They have been playing more and more together. To hear them both laugh at the same time totally melts my heart. Hayden has been really learning to share. She hasn't been the best with that in the past. With other kids, yes. But Bubby, no chance on Earth was she going to allow him to touch any toy of hers...or his. But she has been doing wonderfully lately and I am very thankful. It has and will always be a prayer of mine that my kids grow up loving each other and have an unbreakable friendship like I have with my siblings. I am excited to watch their relationship grow through the years. I know they will fight, yell, and even hate each other at times. But, I also want them to love, trust, and be there for each other. One thing I have learned through the years is sometimes family is the only thing you have. You might as well like them:)
Well, the doctor just told us he is done and she is in recovery. So I can now stop blabbing now that my anxiety is done:) I have no idea what he is saying right now, but I am guessing everything went well. Thanks for the prayers:)

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