Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Enjoy...

Things I Enjoy...

Waking up and realizing my kids, husband, and I slept through the whole night...doesn't happen all that often and all you mothers out there will have to agree:)
Curling up on the couch with a blanket and a good book while it is raining...there is something about the sound of rain that is so relaxing and calming....except in storms
Laying on the float in my parents' hot tub...if you turn it way down, it feel like a pool and when you don't have a pool, you will do anything to stay cool
Listening to my children laugh TOGETHER...the sounds makes my heart totally melt...again, those of you with children know the feeling
Going on dates with my husband...time alone with the spouse allows us to actually talk and actually give each other our 100% attention
Old TV shows...there is something about the style of clothes and the expectations that makes me want to live one day in the life of Lucy
Bike rides with my little family...the little activities and times with our family make wonderful memories
The smell of clean laundry...Don't know if it is because it means I accomplished something or because clean laundry just makes everything better in some way
A clean kitchen...clears anxiety for some reason
Pedicures/manicures...makes me feel kept on the days I don't get to shower:)
Recording family memories through blogging...I don't want to forget anything and some days I just feel like I am losing my mind
Talking around my parents' table with my whole family...we end up laughing and talking about different memories we each have
Campfires with smores...there is something totally peaceful about staring into the fire, and the smores are just so darn good
The smell of campfires...don't ask me why...maybe because it reminds me of my camping days with Nic and his family...and the one time my family went with them:)
Singing at the top of my lungs in the car with my kids...and the looks of total strangers watching us at stop lights
Baths...without me time to just think...or not to think
Walking around any store...I love to just roam and look around 
Being on the boat...the feeling of being on water is freeing to me
Conversations with Hayden...both the learning experiences and the just because conversations
Watching Colton walk...watching your child learn something knew is exciting for both you and them
Hacienda chips and salsa...every day of my life
McDonald's diet coke...because everyone has to have a bad habit 
Being with friends...makes my heart happy
Talking to God/Spending time in His Word...realigns all priorities and reminds me of His faithfulness and love for me
SLEEP...we all need it and don't get enough of it. 
Just being with family...the simple "just being" makes everything in the world seem ok.
Snuggling...with my babies or with Nic...just being able to hold them or be held by Nic satisfies my heart.
Trying to work out...I try to love it, but haven't gotten there yet, sometimes I think I love it until I forget about it
Nic's grilled creations...he is the BEST cook I know...his chicken, hamburgers, porkchops...ANYTHING!
Looking through pictures/taking pictures...takes me to an exact time in my life that reminds me of all the happiness throughout my 26 years
Holding newborns...there is just something inside me that yearns to hold a newborn when I see them...maybe the way that you can hold them and they don't want down or are too big to be held
When a complete stranger smiles back at me (not in a creepy way)...reminds me that the whole world isn't turning into complete pshycos
A small connecting the diaper sprayer all by myself.
Unexpected surprises...don't have a specific reason for this one
Watching the sun set...the sky is the most beautiful mix of colors showing off God's beauty
A call from a family member or best friend...just because
Getting a hand written letter...makes me feel special
Waking up at 4 in the morning realizing I DO NOT have to wake up yet...I love the fact that I get to snuggle deep in my sheets and fall back into peaceful sleep
Fresh fruit...watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, apples, bananas, anything....makes me feel healthy
A glass of Moscato with slices of strawberries...thanks to my sister, Kristen
Reaching in my pocket and finding an unexpected dollars...the bigger the bill, the better!
Different things that remind me of my childhood...such as the smell of cherry pie reminding me of my grandma's cooking, or different toys/items that remind me of different friends
Laughing until my stomach hurts and tears are streaming down my face...because laughter heals everything and it makes you lose calories
Holding Nic's hand...makes me feel loved and protected
Watching Nic wrestle with the kids...the sounds and sight just make me overflow with joy
Being able to do something for someone to make them smile...anyone enjoys that
Reading different's inspirational
When the weather is just cool enough to wear a sweatshirt...for some reason that is the most comfortable temp for me
Springtime...the smell of rain and the blooming of flowers...the world has color again!
The breeze on a HOT day...not sure why...I just do enjoy it

There are so many more things to be enjoyed, but my bed is calling me name...which reminds me...I enjoy the feeling of stretching out in my bed and I finally get to close my eyes.

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." -Robert Brault

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