Thursday, July 14, 2011


This weekend, as I looked around and watched my family, my heart was full of joy. Like so many of you, I have been blessed beyond measure. Many times I think know I take the people in my life and our situations for granted. I think, "man, I wish I had what she has" or "why can't that happen to us?" But then I have to stop and just look. What in the WORLD do I have to complain about? No, we don't have all the money in the world to do everything or have everything we want. BUT I have an incredible loving husband, 2 beautiful, healthy children who amaze me everyday, 2 sisters, a sister-in-law, a brother, and 2 parents who loves me despite my faults and is always there. Sometimes I get off track with all my wants when I have everything I need with me. Do I think it is bad to want other things? No. But for me, I feel like I want so much at certain times that I lose sight of what I already have. Some of this might not make sense...but I have 7 children running around the house and I am sneaking in one sentence at a time as I am going around the house with them:)
Anyways, as I was watching my family, like I said earlier, I COULD NOT believe how big my babies are getting. I always think of Colt as my "baby" and here he is, starting to walk (when I am not watching), starting to say words like Iris, water, ball, wee, uh-oh, and many other words I just don't understand. He still loves playing with any kind of ball and is quite content with just playing catch for hours on end. He is a total FLIRT and can brighten your whole day with that smile of his. He is starting to understand what we say and acts like he is having an actual conversation. He is a little stud muffin. Oh, and just for my records, he is up to 12 teeth...yes, that means 6 teeth came in at once in the past month.
Please don't judge me about the music:)

Don't you love the bib? Nic put the bibs on the wrong children:)
And then there is Hayden. Miss Thang. She has truly become my little side kick, my friend. She is talking in full sentences (finally) and cracks herself up. Her little phrases and the way she uses her hands and facial expressions to talk (Tara, I think she gets the hands from you:)) just cracks me up. She is potty-trained and growing up before our eyes. She is still attached to her blankie and that stupid paci. Her imagination is growing and I love watching theses different stages. I just can't get enough of her...unless she skips her nap...then that is a different story:) For some reason she has been having a hard time going to sleep at night and then waking up during the night. So, we have had some extra cuddle time. She talks to me while playing with my hair and eventually falls asleep. As much as I am missing my sleep, I am LOVING this time with her.

And then there is my husband. It is amazing that after 11 years of being together, our love is still growing. He is not only my husband, but my best friend. You see, he is the one that knows me inside and out, and still loves me:) He still melts my heart every time he smiles at me or tells me he loves me. He is someone who I know I can talk to about EVERYTHING and he doesn't judge for one second. He loves me and supports me. And I love him more than I could ever have imagined. He works hard for our family and for that I am thankful.
When I think of what I have in my life and what God has blessed us with, I am overwhelmed. God holds true to His promises. I hope today as you go throughout your day, you stop for a couple minutes to thank God for what He has blessed you with. God is good.
 These children are amazing
 Yes, Hayden is laying in the newborn cradle thing
 Down at the creek, the girls' new favorite spot

 I LOVE this man:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh! i love these pictures of our kiddos together. all ry talks about is "i go a miss tori's house and see hey don and bubbie." lol. i LOVE it! :)