Exactly a year ago, I was holding my baby boy for the first time...all 6 pounds and 3 ounces of him. A year ago today our lives changed from a 3 person family to a 4 person family. A year ago today, I fell in love with my baby boy.
Dear Colton,
I still can't believe I am already writing your 1-year birthday letter. That's right, you have been in our lives for a WHOLE year. When I think over your first year of life, I can't help but smile and thank God for His wonderful blessings you have brought to our lives. I love you sweet, sweet boy.
This past month has flown by. Maybe that is because you are on the GO constantly! You are the fastest little crawler that I have EVER seen! You crack me up every time too because you will crawl, pivot, crawl, pivot, and laugh the entire time.
You laugh...all the time. Mostly at your sister. You have a beautiful smile, which makes everyone around you smile. When you smile, your eye brows go up, your eyes get big, and your smile reaches from ear to ear.
You have such a personality. You want to keep up with your sister, but at the same time you are your very own person. All you need is some sort of ball to chase around the house and you are the happiest little boy ever. You are a little impatient if someone is not paying attention to you, and you aren't afraid to let us know...you are a little loud! Your face turns red and it's almost like a little growl! I have a feeling that you are going to be a talker:) You babble all the time, like you know exactly what you are saying.
You still only have 6 teeth, but that doesn't hold you back from your food. You will not have anything to do with baby food. You want what we eat, whether it is pizza, chicken, green beans, tacos, spaghetti, you get the point. Speaking of spaghetti, you had your first experience with those stinkin' noodles a couple nights ago...let's just say it looked like your sister decorated you from head to toe in noodles! But you liked it, the little amount that actually made it to your mouth.
If you aren't chasing balls, you are chasing Hayden everywhere. You love her...even though I have to rescue you most days from getting shoved to the ground. You have started trying to get revenge when I am changing her....you pull her hair while she is down. You try to do everything she does and you go along with everything she does...like squirting the whole bottle of Diaper Rash Cream on the hallway floor, smearing it all over each other...top of head to your toes...all over the floor, and even made it to the walls. When I caught you, you both just smiled as if to say, "look mom!" Needless to say, it took a couple of baths and scrubs to even get it off and out of your hair. I have a feeling you two are going to be partners in crime.
YOU ARE STANDING! You want nothing to do with walking, but you love to stand, and then fall. You think it is the funniest thing. Then, when we laugh, it is like it encourages you to keep doing it.
You are still sleeping through the night...you even sleep in later than Hayden. Not much longer because she likes to come in your room to wake you up! You are still taking only one nap that lasts about 2 hours.
You sure know your momma. Whenever I am gone and then walk through the door, you smile your Colton smile, then crawl as fast as you can to me and open your arms for me to pick you up. I love it...so very much. You melt my heart. I love to go in your room each morning and see you smiling and reaching for me.
Sweet boy, I pray for you every day. I pray, pray, pray. I pray that you will always keep that smile that goes from ear to ear. I still pray that you will grow up to love God whole-heartedly. I still pray that you will always keep your heart opened....that you won't let anything or anyone harden it. I pray that you love people. I pray that you look for the best in people. I pray that you dream and follow those dreams. I pray that you never settle. I pray for pureness. I pray for happiness...a life filled with laughter. I pray for your health. I pray that God will use your father and I as instruments to bring you and your sister up in a Godly household. Not only do I pray for these things, I thank God for everything about you. I am thankful for your personality. I am thankful for your health, I am thankful for the joy you have brought to our lives. I am thankful that you are my son. I am thankful for God allowing me to be your mother.
Know that you are, and always will be loved...ALWAYS.
Happy Birthday, baby boy!
Love you always,
How old are you? 1!!

Go ahead...make fun of the hat! I still love it! Haha! He was thrilled!
1 comment:
I cant believe a whole year has gone by. Happy Birthday to my future son in law!! :)
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