Friday, November 5, 2010

I need a morning re-start

After a restless night with Colton, my alarm went off at 8:00 this morning right when he was starting to get hungry and right as I was starting to fall asleep again. So, I thought I would feed him as I drifted off to sleep for 15 more minutes of sleep. As I waited for the alarm go off for the second time, it started to feel like these 15 minutes were taking forever...and then it hit me, I had drifted off into that state of sleep where I had a fuzzy dream about my best friends, Tara and Steve were being very mean and decided not to be my friend anymore. I immediately woke up, almost in tears wondering if that dream was really true (don't worry, I called Steve and texted Tara and it wasn't real) and glanced at my phone...8:45...Sweet Jesus, I had Colt's appointment in 15 minutes in downtown Elkhart. I am telling you, I have NEVER gotten ready so fast, and what I mean about ready, I mean I: rushed in Hayden's room, scaring her to death, throwing a shirt and pants on her and then had to take the pants back off to put on a dry diaper (oops), shoved shoes on her feet, then had to take them off and put them on the RIGHT feet, ran and changed Bubby as he was screaming his face off, put on tennis shoes without socks, ran Colt out the door and strapped him in his seat, ran inside to get Hayden, for Hayden, found her playing in the canister of sugar (great), strapped her in her seat to find that her hair was a crazy rat's nest and her face was covered with dried drool, figured I should maybe put on a coat to hide my pajamas (that's right..didn't even put on real clothes), ran inside to grab the first coat I saw, ran out to the garage for the 15 millionth time, glanced at the fridge on my out, looked at the card with the appointment time on it, stopped dead in my tracks, realized it said 9:50....took a breath, WALKED to the garage, unstrapped Hayden, bring her inside with her eyes in wonderment, walked to the garage, unstrapped Colton, bring him inside...still crying...and took another breath, realized I wasn't late and that I am a retard...SOOO...I walk to the bathroom because now I know I have time to actually get to looking decent, so I look in the mirror...hellooooooo white trash...I couldn't believe I was actually going to go out in public looking the way I did, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, put REAL clothes on with the proper under garments, brushed Hayden's hair, put socks on Colt after realizing he had nothing on his feet (my poor children), fed Hayden, wiped her face, change Colt, headed back out the door...this time feeling like an actual human being, got to the appointment right on time, carried both kids inside because heaven forbid Hayden use her legs, held Colt while he got his shots, watched Hayden's face in complete terror, watched Hayden hold her legs all the way out to the car (even though she isn't the one who got the shots), put the kids back in the car and headed it is 10:30 and I can breathe again. Hmmm...maybe next time I will make sure I have the right time the night before.

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