Someday I hope that when you read this, you will find it encouraging. As your mother, I always want to protect you....from everything. I never want you to be hurting...EVER. But as you get older, I realize that sometimes the only way for you to grow as a person is to let you hurt. Sometimes you have to learn on your own, as much as I hurt for you. As your mother, I want you to be the best that you can be. You will make mistakes, but I want you to learn from them. They will make you stronger. As much as I want to be there for you for your every fall, I know you have to get up on your own or you will never learn. That is a hard realization for me. It takes every fiber of my being to hand you over daily to God. It makes me physically ill to think of the "what if's". I want you to know that I love you so much that it hurts. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. I hope you can always come to me with anything...without hesitation.
There are some things that I want you to know...and to always remember...
There are some things that I want you to know...and to always remember...
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
Love Jesus.
Encourage your siblings...share in their joy.
Always tell the truth.
Obey your parents.
Use kind words.
Have fun.
Sing silly.
Dance crazy.
Be a giver.
Share everything...except bad ideas.
Say what you're sorry for.
Forgiveness is mandatory.
Hands are for hugging not hitting.
No fussing.
No whining.
No bad attitudes.
Never stay angry.
Be considerate.
Be respectful.
Be grateful.
Don't be afraid to try.
Be bold.
Stand up for what you believe.
Love your family.
Don't lose the wonder in things.
Your family matters.
Get enough sleep at night.
Do not compare.
Trying isn't failing.
The joy is found in the little things.
Joy and happiness are different.
Happiness is temporary, joy remains.
Start the day in prayer.
Think before you speak.
Take time to sit.
Look people in the eye.
Say "thank you" and mean it.
Help others.
Hold the door for people.
Don't stress about laundry.
Remember to be thankful.
Share with others what you love about them.
Donate old clothes.
Be compassionate.
Play games.
Take walks.
Sit still.
Watch the sunrise and sunset.
Don't keep a past record of wrongs.
Don't fret the spills.
Be humble.
Respect elders.
Know how to say no.
Manage your time wisely.
Encourage your siblings...share in their joy.
Always tell the truth.
Obey your parents.
Use kind words.
Have fun.
Sing silly.
Dance crazy.
Be a giver.
Share everything...except bad ideas.
Say what you're sorry for.
Forgiveness is mandatory.
Hands are for hugging not hitting.
No fussing.
No whining.
No bad attitudes.
Never stay angry.
Be considerate.
Be respectful.
Be grateful.
Don't be afraid to try.
Be bold.
Stand up for what you believe.
Love your family.
Don't lose the wonder in things.
Your family matters.
Get enough sleep at night.
Do not compare.
Trying isn't failing.
The joy is found in the little things.
Joy and happiness are different.
Happiness is temporary, joy remains.
Start the day in prayer.
Think before you speak.
Take time to sit.
Look people in the eye.
Say "thank you" and mean it.
Help others.
Hold the door for people.
Don't stress about laundry.
Remember to be thankful.
Share with others what you love about them.
Donate old clothes.
Be compassionate.
Play games.
Take walks.
Sit still.
Watch the sunrise and sunset.
Don't keep a past record of wrongs.
Don't fret the spills.
Be humble.
Respect elders.
Know how to say no.
Manage your time wisely.
I love you more than life itself.