Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break...Finally Here!

This is the day that I have waited for for about 5 months. The countdown was long, but well worth the wait. We are finally in Daytona, Florida. And by we, I mean me, Nic, Tara, and Steve. Just us four...for a whole week. We decided, when planning for this trip, we were going to go without the kids. I know people think we are horrible people for leaving our babies, but I truly feel Nic and I needed this, as a couple. We knew for sure when I found out I was pregnant again since we probably won't get a chance like this again after the baby is born. Although I already miss my babies terribly and have cried once or twice, I am excited for this week with my husband.
We started our trip around 5 pm yesterday and drove all the way through until we arrived around noon today with only a few stops. There was only one time that I wondered if we would make it through. That was around Henryville, IN, when the weather decided to just pound us with the heaviest rain, lightening, thunder, and hail I have ever been in. I prayed and prayed and prayed during those hours. The rest of the trip was pretty smooth, despite the traffic (I SWEAR every car on the road was from Indiana, Ohio, or Michigan).
But, we made it safely. We got here before check-in so we decided to take a walk on the beach...and get this...Nic and I got to walk HAND-IN-HAND! It was wonderful. We also just laid by the pool for awhile before going to the grocery store and checking in.
I really like it here. The place we are staying is spacious and beautiful. I am sitting on the balcony right now facing the beach, listening to the kids in the pool below and adults chit-chatting and the waves crashing. We are taking it easy tonight...went to dinner and turning in early. The boys are watching the games and Tara is pretty much asleep on the couch.
It is still hard to believe that we are finally here. I know I will have many breakdowns during the week, missing my babies, but I am so excited to be with Nic and just be a couple.
Below are some pictures from today:)

1 comment:

Bethany M said...

Have fun! Daytona is one of the best beaches around here. :)