Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dear Easton

Dear Precious Easton,
Only a few short days ago did we find out that we were going to have another sweet baby boy. You were not shy one bit:) I knew from very early on in my heart that you were a boy, although those around me thought differently. I had dream after dream that I was holding a baby boy. Your big sister knew as well that she was going to have a "baby brudder" before we knew. 
I want you to know how much you are already loved. From the moment we found out we would be having another child, we instantly loved you. I already can't wait to just hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet cheeks. I am constantly thinking about you and praying for you. I can't wait for you to meet your sister and brother. They like to come up to my stomach and say hi to you and kiss you. You are going to adore both of them. They will take good care of you. Your daddy is so excited to have another boy to play with:) You will like him. He is fun.
I pray a lot for you. Every time I think about you, I pray for you. I pray that you continue to grow and develop perfectly and healthy. I pray that your little heart beat will continue to beat strong. You are a precious blessing, my son.
You are already moving around A LOT. I didn't know it was possible to feel your little kicks already. You are going to be a strong little boy. I smile every time I feel your movements, because it reminds me that in less than 6 months, I will be able to WATCH your little movements.
I love you more than words can express.
Love you always,
Your Mommy

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