Friday, May 4, 2012

Bubble Machines and Conversations

It is now the wonderful month of May. I must say this warmer weather has been fantastic…even though it has only been a couple of days. It has been calling for rain but so far we have been able to enjoy the weather. Like I have said before, my kids would live outside if I would let them. So, for them, they are in heaven. It’s amazing how they can entertain themselves for hours with a bubble machine, water table, chalk, and a swing set. It is also nice how they are at an age where they can play with each other and I don’t have to be by their side every second to help them do something. It makes my heart smile when I watch them together, laughing and running around. I have been learning not to cringe every time I see dirt thrown into the air and onto their heads, or chalk all over their clothes, or soapy water from the bubbles dripping down their heads. They are having fun, and that is all that matters. 

I have come to believe that God gave me the son he did to teach me how to just relax and not be so OCD…like when it comes to my house and I have spent about 30 minutes sweeping and scrubbing our kitchen floors for him to come in and start grabbing things from the cupboards and crunching them all over the floor…or when I finally think I have everything straightened in the play room and he comes in and in 5 minutes flat every bin/basket has been emptied onto the floor. But then I look at him and can’t help but just laugh. Amazing what motherhood does for you.
Speaking of Colton, I forgot to add his percentages from his 2 year appointment in his birthday post. He is now a whopping 25 pounds (16th%), and in the 50th% for height...I forget the exact height and it is written down at home:) Little guy but full of personality.
Hayden has been getting better with her separation anxiety. She is still very nervous that we are not going to come back from work, but has been doing better in the mornings. As long as she gets about 10 kisses and hugs from Nic and I, and she gets to watch me leave in my car, she does ok. She is still having a hard time at night, but is able to sleep all the way through now until about 5 am, crawl in bed with us until we need to wake up. She loves her one-on-one time with us after Bubby goes to bed. We have been playing Memory games, puzzles, and reading books. She just eats up that time. She even beats me at the Cars Memory game…and I even try to win. She has been cracking us up nonstop by her little comments and questions. Here are a few of her comments from the past couple of weeks-
                “Mom, you eat all that cake?”
                “Yes, I know, I am fat.”
                “You’re not fat. You have Easton.”
                “Mom, don’t hit your tummy. You have to pet it like a pet because Easton is in there.” (I was patting my stomach.)
                “Hayden, who made you?”
                “Jesus did.” Thinks for a little bit… “He draw me way up there? (pointing to the sky)”
                “Yes, he did.”
                “Well, will you take me to see Him?”
                “Mom, your back is hurting you?”
                “Yes, but it is ok.”
                “You need to take a bath tub. It will make you feel better. I will sit with you in the bathroom too.”
                And she did. On her little stool right by the bath tub. And talked to me the ENTIRE time. I love her.
                This one may be a little inappropriate, but oh wellJ
                “Mom, are those your boobies?” (as I was changing)
                “Yes, Hayden. They are.”
                “Those are big boobies.”
                “Yes, that is what pregnancy does for you.”
                “I have boobs. Girls have boobs. Boys don’t, right?”
                “That is right.”
                “Boys have tails, right? Like Bubby and Daddy and Poppy?”
                “I suppose so.”
As for Easton, he is kicking away inside his little home. Everything is going really well with this trimester and I feel very blessed to be able to just enjoy it. Every time I feel the little guy move, I try to picture what he is going to look like. Will he have the same big brown eyes as his siblings? Will he have blonde or brown hair?  I know I still have 16 weeks left, but I cannot wait to just hold him in my arms and kiss his little cheeks. I have had a couple more dreams of me holding a baby boy and he looks identical to Colton as a baby. He is already so loved. I can’t wait to watch what Hayden and Colton will do when they first meet him. They always want to touch and hug my belly and ask for Easton. I am anxious to see how they will react to an actual baby.
I think that is about all. I know, I know, such exciting things happening. Only 4 more weeks of school and then I am home with the babies for the whole summer. I couldn't be more excited. I already have a list of what I need/want accomplished while at home. We will see if ANY of it gets crossed off:) 
Enjoy the weekend!

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