Sunday, February 5, 2012

Haircut day!!

Today was a big day for the Minder was HAIRCUT DAY! Neither Hayden nor Colton have ever had their haircuts. It was time. If you have seen Colt would know what I mean. Hayden just needed a little trim. So...I got brave enough to get the scissors out and do the job. And yes, I saved every bit of hair that was cut:)

On another note, I think I am rounding the corner of the whole morning sickness stage...I don't wanna jinx myself though. Last Sunday, when I swore I thought I was just going to keel over dead from throwing up and exhaustion (ok...I'm a little dramatic, remember?), I called my dad and begged him to do something (pretty sure he is going to fire me as a patient/daughter by the end of this pregnancy). He prescribed a different medication for nausea and I am telling you, it was a miracle. This past week I felt like a COMPLETELY different woman. I was able to actually feel human. I was able to walk around the school at a normal speed, talk with my students without wanting to hurl all over them, do laundry more than once, clean the house, and most importantly, play with my babies for more than 5 minutes at a time.
I cannot wait to meet this baby. I have already fallen completely in love with this tiny human being growing inside of me.

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