Thursday, January 19, 2012

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Some fun quotes and actions from little Miss Hayden and Mr. Cole Bob worth recording:

*While working out with Nic, "I like this workout! It's awesome!"
*I thought it would be nice and relaxing to take a bath. About 10 minutes into my relaxation Hayden barges in with the most worried face ever, bends over to put her hands on her knees, and says, "Mom, dad is going (then she proceeds to cough). He needs help. He's sick." She came to tell me Nic was throwing up while doing his workout.
*While playing with her dozens of little Mickey and Toy Story figurines, I hear her say, "I love you Story 3. I love you, I love you, I love you. I do."
*Not 5 minutes later I hear, "Bad Mickey. Bad. Bad. Bad. You get a spankin'."
*Hayden has found a real love for working out with Nic. Like, absolutely loves it. She gets upset when its over. 
*The other night I was sick to my stomach. I had to be at the toilet (I know, TMI), so I put the kids in the bath so they weren't running totally loose around the house. Hayden looked my straight in the eyes and said, "mom, you sick? You need your medicine? Your tummy hurting you? Take your medicine." Ha. She has been taking this powdery stuff for her stomach issues so she thought I had the same problem.
*For some reason, she walks around singing, "I shake my booty, I shake my booty." Not sure where she is getting that one.
*The other day I asked Hayden where Bubby was. She replied, "Oh, he is just hidin' so he can poop."
*Colton has been spinning round and round and round until he falls, gets up, falls, gets up, falls, and laughs like crazy.
*He is now saying, "Night night. I love you." Melts my heart.
*Every morning when I go into Colt's room to get him out of the crib, he immediately asks, "Where's daddy?" Then proceeds to run to our room looking for him. If he isn't there, he freaks out.
*Our little man has a fascination with our toilet...not to use it, but to see how many items he can stuff in there in the amount of time Mom or Dad turn their backs. 
*Colt has been talking more and more each day. Some of his favorite things to say is: "Where daddy/sissy go?" "I want milk." "Thank you." "Love you?" "Pease." "I don't wanna." "I go in baftub (bath)." "Basset ball game on." There are many more, my mind is just not remembering at the moment.

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