Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Fourth

Four weeks ago, Nic and I found out some news that would change our family the best way ever. We will be adding another little baby to our family!!!! After getting over the complete shock and complete panic, we are so thrilled, or "stoked" as Nic likes to say. We were going to wait a couple more weeks before we shared with the world, but if you know me, I can't keep a secret very well...I suck at it. We got to hear our baby's heartbeat for the second time yesterday...and it was one of the most precious sounds in the world-thank you dad for putting my heart and mind at ease! 
This is my fourth pregnancy. I now have 1 baby in heaven, 2 here on earth, and 1 growing inside of me. I can't help but smile every time I think about this. It has been by far the hardest pregnancy, however. The nausea and exhaustion are there 24/7. My toilet has been my best friend:) My co-workers have been such a blessing with their understanding and patience (seriously, they are the greatest). Nic has been an absolute saint. He has taken on the role of mom and dad most of the time due to my complete lack of energy. He cooks, cleans, changes those gross poopy diapers that make me wanna hurl, gets up with the kids during the night, gets up with the kids in the morning on the weekends, gets me random foods that I, in the moment, crave for...pretty much my hero. I have pretty much 0 social life due to the fact I go to sleep right after the kids are put to bed. So for those that call or text and I haven't gotten back to you...I really do apologize, I promise I am not ignoring you on purpose! Hayden is really excited, after a few weeks of not wanting another "brufer", and loves to tell people that there is a baby in my stomach. She has been so sweet when I am not feeling well and reminds me to take my medicine so my tummy feels better. Colt could care less. 
Now, I know there are some questions out there. Was this planned? took about a day to get over the shock and panic. How will we afford a third child? No clue. Are we excited? More than words can express. How couldn't we be? Are we crazy? Absolutely! When am I due? End of August. So I am still pretty early.
It is insanely hard to keep those awful thoughts of losing another sweet baby attacking my every thought.  I am continually praying for peace. I know that God has a plan for our family, I just have to trust it.
I will post a pic of our sweet baby from our ultrasound yesterday shortly. It's out in the car and it is cold outside:)


Jaymie said...

Oh Tori, congratulation! I would be anxious too at first I'm sure, but then definitely comforted knowing God has a plan much bigger than ours! I'll be praying for you!

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Congratulations!!! What an exciting time for your family!! Prayers to you (this pregnancy made me pretty sick I totally understand)!


Just the Five of Us said...

Thank you Jaymie and Jamie!! I appreciate the comments and prayers!!!
