Friday, August 13, 2010

"Light Bulb" Moment

“More children under four die of accidental poisonings at home than are accidentally killed with guns at home.” – National Safety Council

This is the quote that caught my eye as I was flipping through different brochures that were spread all over my family room floor. Because it caught my eye, out of curiosity, I decided to pick the brochure up and see what it was about. As I started reading it, I was shocked. The article talked about different kids, young kids, that have died due to being exposed to hazardous chemicals. To my disbelief, these hazardous chemicals came from house cleaners found around the house. A little boy died after swallowing 3 oz of hair conditioner. A 7 month old died after crawling through a puddle of spilled laundry bleach and gave him 3rd degree burns. A little girl ate some dishwasher detergent that required many operations to reopen her scarred esophagus. Did you know that every year 5-10 million household poisonings are reported? I know I didn’t.

I know many of you think, well I keep those kinds of things out of reach from children and some of you don’t even have children. But for me, having 2 precious babies of my own, I was hit pretty hard from this. As soon as I read this, I ran to my bathroom and looked under the sink where I find Hayden at times if she somehow gets through the gate. There I found Clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach, Clorox wipes, shampoo, conditioner, Listerine, and hairspray. I couldn’t believe all of the hazardous chemicals that sat just under my sink in a place where my child could reach and could easily get into. I don’t even want to think about what could happen to my child if I accidently left one of those products in her reach. If you know Hayden, you know she is into EVERYTHING. She will do anything or try anything. That scares me to death. As I continued to read, I came across another quote: “Of chemicals commonly found in homes, 150 have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological abnormalities.” –Consumer Product Safety Commission. Knowing that I have those items under my sink and throughout my house makes me stop and think- How can I change this or prevent a serious injury or possible death to one of my children or any child that comes into my home? Then it hit my-duh-to use products that are safe for my family, all of us, that work.

I then remembered my friend, Kara Sears, sharing with me how she uses a line of products from Shaklee. She said that Shaklee is always safe, it always works, and it is always green. Maybe you have heard of it, maybe you haven’t. We all want the best for our children and our family as a whole. We want to raise healthy kids and always do what is best for them. I know I do.

When I first heard about Shaklee, I was kind of skeptical because I have never used the products and I didn’t know if they actually worked. At the beginning of the summer, Kara had given me a couple of cleaning products just to try and use to see if I liked it. I spent a whole day deep cleaning my house and decided to use these different cleaning products. To my amazement, I absolutely LOVED it. I had tried every cleaning product on my shower door but nothing would clean off that hard water nasty stuff that was piled on it. Well, I tried some of Shaklee’s Scour Off. I was totally shocked when my shower door was sparkling clean after using it.

However, I just decided at the time to keep with my regular cleaning supplies and figured it would be just as easy. Not once did it cross my mind that those cleaning supplies could be so hazardous.

I am not on here trying to advertise these products, but I am trying to get your attention about what hazardous chemicals might be lingering around your house that maybe you haven’t even thought of. After reading the brochure, I decided to do some more research and learn more about Shaklee. Shaklee products have been around for over 50 years. They do thousands of tests on every single new ingredient to guarantee the purity and safety of each and every product. Every Shaklee product is 100% safe to use, guaranteed. Isn’t this what I want for my kids? If this is a product that works, which I know from experience it does, and it is safe, why wouldn’t I want to use it????

So…I realized I don’t have to worry about Hayden accidently getting under the bathroom sink or the kitchen sink or trying to find “safe” places for my cleaning products. All I have to do is a little change…actually a big one! I am excited to use the products knowing they can’t hurt my precious kiddos. Seriously…Hayden doesn’t need anymore reasons or ways to get hurt!

Aren’t you glad you read about my “light bulb” moment?!

1 comment:

John and Jenn Minder said...

Tori...that is awesome! I'll have to check out those products. I've been using 'natural' cleaners for years. I use baking soda and vinegar for many cleansers. Also, I have always kept my cleaners above my fridge! Good luck with that...I always like to hear that I'm not the only one who has 'light bulb' moments!!