Sunday, October 14, 2012

Easton-2 Months

Dear Little Easton,
Today you are 2 months old. So, so hard to believe. This month you have proved to be a trooper. You go EVERYWHERE with me. I take in every second of it.

You have also proved that you like to be held...all the time. But that's ok. I don't mind one bit. You still eat every two hours, even through the night still. I did decide that you sleep better on your stomach. So, despite what everyone says, I put you on your stomach to sleep. You still don't like the pacifier, although today I tried a new one and you at least suck on it for a little bit. You still love the moby wrap, which has been my saving grace during the day while trying to do chores around the house. You also like the swing for a little bit at a time. You stare at the thingy that turns in circles above you.

You had your first cold this month, which totally broke my heart. I just sat and held you.
You started smiling this month, which has been absolutely priceless. Your little dimples are the most adorable thing. Your eye lashes are growing longer and longer every day. Your eyes are BEAUTIFUL. They are your daddy's eyes. Your sister and brother are quite smitten with you and worry when they don't know where you are. Hayden holds you everyday and loves to love on you. You have your appointment this coming week and I cannot wait to see your progress over the last month.

Words cannot express the love I have for you, dear son. You sure have my heart. I can tell that you are going to have a beautiful, sweet personality.

I pray that time slows down. I am not ready for my youngest baby to get big yet.
I love you sweet boy,

Your Mommy

Well Visit Update: Height-23 3/4 in (89%), Weight-11 lbs 12oz (68%), Head-39.8 cm (59%)

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