Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Separation Anxiety...Blah

We have been back from Florida for about a week and a half now. I want to go back:) It is kind of funny...I thought after a nice, relaxing week, I would be ready to go. I honestly feel like life is already getting to be too much again:) I blame it all on my pregnancy hormones. I am unbalanced:) Thank God for husband! He is seriously the most amazing person ever.
On another note, I need some momma advice. It seems that my 3 year old daughter is having a little separation anxiety. I am thinking that it is from us leaving her for a whole week. Every morning I am leave for work almost in tears myself. The first thing she does when she opens her eyes each morning is beg me to stay in bed with her and not leave her. She asks for about 10 kisses from Nic before he walks out the door, freaks out when he goes to get in the shower thinking he left without saying goodbye. The entire time I am getting ready each morning, she cries and cries for me not to leave. Then before I leave she asks if I am coming back after work. It breaks my heart into a million pieces each time. All I want to do is just call in to work and tell them I quit. But I obviously can't do that. I know that she is totally fine within 5 minutes after me leaving, but it still tears me apart. This has also caused nighttime to be totally restless. The first week we were home she would wake up several times a night to make sure we were still there and it was almost like she wasn't sleeping at all. We finally put her in the play yard in our room just so she would get some sleep (as well as Nic and I). I know that is a total no-no, but we are at a loss. We have been struggling with her sleeping ever since her night terrors months ago and now it is just getting worse.
Colt, on the other hand, is a dream baby when it comes to sleeping. He goes to bed around 7:30, sleeps through the night, and takes about 2-3 hour naps. Part of that is because he runs himself rugged until he wears himself out. What a little ball of energy he is. I love that little boy...he lights up any room with his huge smile. I seriously can't believe he is going to be 2 on Saturday. That seems so crazy to me. He is growing up so fast, I just want to freeze time. I will write an update on him later when I write his birthday letter.
As for Easton, I am already absolutely in love with the little man. This is my favorite part of pregnancy (besides the hormone thing). I am feeling him move quite often, mostly in the mornings and nights while laying in bed. I have felt so good this trimester and am so thankful for this burst of energy. I am now a little over halfway through my pregnancy, which is crazy to even think about. Hayden and Colt still love kissing my belly and talking to Easton. It melts my heart when they do that. I can't wait to watch Easton join in playing with Hayden and Colt.
Well, that is my little update right now...hopefully I will be able to get on here before another full week goes by...maybe:)
Hope you all have a great rest of the week!

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