Friday, October 14, 2011

Sweet Sleep

Ok...maybe not to you, but it is to us!! As you know, we have had problems with Hayden's sleeping for months because of night terrors. She was in our room in the play yard for a long time and recently moved back to her own room. The only problem was, she would only sleep in there if one of us was in there on the floor next to her. So for a couple of weeks we have been taking turns falling asleep with her, silently slipping out only to slip back in when she woke up screaming...needless to say, our backs are out of wack and crankiness is in high gear. Now, all those that say, "you should have just let her cry it out"...SHUT IT. And I mean that ever so nicely. But seriously, don't go there. Anyways, last night, as we were getting Hayden (and one of us) for bed, Nic thought of an idea. One that I don't know why the heck we didn't think of before. She is obviously not wanting to be alone in her room because she is scared. So we put Iris in with her. That dog will make ANYONE feel safe by looks alone (brains, not so much...just ask Tara). Seriously, not one word, sound, sigh, cry, anything from Hayden. Nic peeked in a little while later and said that Iris was laying right next to her bed while Hayden had her hand down on Iris' head. 
Then something AMAZING happened...BOTH kids slept the ENTIRE night. No screams, no tears, no fights, NOTHING! And it was simply wonderful. Better yet, both children slept until after my shower:) Can I get an Amen? I think so. 
We are now on night two of this bright idea, and so far so good. I truly want to thank those of you who have kept Hayden and this whole situation in your prayers. It means the world to us. 

Now, onto other important things. As I was putting away dishes in the kitchen, I could hear Colt and Hayd in the playroom giggling and playing together. And then I heard this conversation:

"Bubby, you wanna sit on my lap?" (In sweet voice)
Please ignore the half-dressed children. This is how we role on a Friday night.
Sweet voice pushes Bubby off and moves to slide.

"Bubby, you wanna sit on my lap?"

Sweet voice pushes Bubby off again and moves back to little riding toy.

"Bubby, no more lap. You sit on the slide."

What a big sister. And seriously, what mother doesn't even button the back of her child's shirt. Me. 
Happy Weekend!!

1 comment:

Ash said...

YAY!! SO happy that Hayden had a good night's sleep and that she now has a sleeping buddy who doesn't mind sleeping on the floor.