Sunday, October 9, 2011

Perfect October Weather

Can I just say how FAST this week/weekend went by?? Holy that a word? I think so. Anyways, Colt had is 18 month appointment on Friday. My baby boy is growing up so fast! Well, ok so maybe he isn't "growing" that much...but age wise he is:):) He weighs 22 pounds and 12 ounces (14%ile) and is 31 3/4 inches tall (40%ile). Little guy! But perfect none-the-less. It was our first time with this doctor and I think that the kids really like him. He was very good with them. He had to do a little safety shpeal with me because he noticed how active our little Colt is. And that was just for 15 minutes...ha. He said that he was very pleasant and can tell he likes to give his sissy a hard time. I laughed.
Thursday night was Hayden and my bake night here at the ole' house. We have been baking together for over a month and have designated Thursday night as bake night. She loves it. And seriously, this girl is great at helping! She does all the stirring, pouring of ingredients into the bowl, and of course all the taste testing. I have really enjoyed these times with her. She is just growing up so fast that I want to make every moment count with her and I feel like this is one of the ways that we bond. The conversations I have with little Miss during these couple of hours crack me up. She tells me about how Bubby pulls her hair when I am not watching, constantly talks about her party...that is still 2 weeks away, asks what EVERY ingredient is and why we need it, and laughs at herself when the stirred ingredients fly out of the bowl due to her aggressive stirring:) She's pretty precious.This week was Chocolate Chip Pumpkin bread (WHICH by the way, makes 3 stinkin' loaves!) and Snickerdoodles (my favorite!).

She kept smelling the bread and saying, "mmmm"
Right now I am listening to the kids giggle so hard they are snorting as they run laps around the house. It is the most amazing sound in the world. I could listen to it ALL day long. They have been playing ALL day long together...which makes my heart happy. They really do love each other. It reminds me of me and my siblings growing up and just laughing about anything and everything and mostly about nothing. I am constantly praying that my kids will grow up loving each other and be each other's friend. Siblings are pretty amazing:)
Today was the perfect fall day...well besides Bubby biting through his lip and Hayden falling off the bar stool in the kitchen on her head. Never a dull moment around here:) Look what we did on this beautiful evening-

 The many ways of going down the slide...

 Face plant

 Picking from the garden

 "Bubby get me!"
 "Wait for me!"

 "I'm coming Bubby!"
 "I fell Bubby!"

 Funniest thing ever:)

These babies make my heart overflow. God has truly blessed Nic and I with some AMAZING, LOVING, FUN kiddies.

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