Saturday, September 17, 2011


Can I just say today has been a TOTAL blessing?!?! If you read my last couple of posts, they are just down right depressing. I know that. That's because I was down right depressed. But as I cried most of the night last night (and have the wonderful puffy eyes to prove it), I just prayed. I prayed and prayed and prayed. Even the times that I woke up during the night I prayed. I have come to the realization that things aren't going to change right now so I just need to suck it up, put on my big girl panties, and count my blessings instead of crying over what in my mind I am missing out on. 
When I woke up today, I felt the burden lifted from my shoulders and finally came to the realization that I am doing what is best for our family right now. Although it isn't exactly "my way," I know this is God's way. I know that this is God's plan for our family for the time being. It could change anytime, but I need to hold on to God's hand and let Him guide me, not take over the steering wheel. 
I had two choices when I opened my eyes today...1. Sulk over the fact that I am a working mom again and have a HUGE pitty party for myself or 2. Come to terms with our situation and look for the blessings. I got to wake up to 2 beautiful, healthy children and a wonderful husband. I got to hold them and cuddle with them all morning. We stayed in our pj's all day and were just together (Nic had to work). I could have sat on the couch, feeling sorry for myself while the kids played in the playroom, but instead I went in with them and took every chance I got to just play with them. Although this won't be our everyday routine anymore, it can be our weekend routine. 
I do want to get one thing straight though for all those critics out there. Nic did not MAKE me go back to work. We decided together that I would return so he did not have to kill himself working 80 hours a week. Nic is the hardest working man I have ever seen. He does everything in his might to provide for us. But I would not sit back and watch him work his you-know-what-off, not being able to see the kids but for 30 minutes a day. That is not a family. Working will allow him not to have to work all those extra hours and for us to have our evenings together, as a family. I just wanted to make that clear for some of those "judges" out there:)
On another note, I started decorating for Hayden's birthday party...that is over a month away:) We have decided to go with a Minnie Mouse theme since she is a little obsessed:) I knew I didn't want to do the actual decorations that you find in the store, so about 3 weeks ago, I started searching blogs about different ideas for a Minnie Mouse party. I came across a blog that I fell in love with. The color scheme of the party was pink, black and zebra. I LOVED IT!!!!! It was still cute while not overdoing the cheesiness....anddddd...when Hayden saw the pictures, her eyes lit up and she said, "OOOOOO." So I knew I had her approval. I looked all over etsy at different ideas and decided that what I saw on etsy was over priced and that I could do it myself for 1/4 of the price. 
SOOO, my mom and I went to Hobby Lobby the other day just to see what was out there. I am telling you right now, that was our biggest mistake. My mom and I get in a lot of trouble when we shop together. Let's just say my husband is going to KILL me...not because of the price (everything was 30-50% off), but because of the throw up of zebra and hot pink materials we walked away with. 
Today, Hayden and I worked on the Minnie Mouse banner, the cupcake tier thingy, and the other banner we will be using. And when I said Hayden, I mean Hayden helped with everything. She was such a sport! She loved helping me! 
 We hot glued zebra ribbon on the cupcake tier...
 Then added bows

 This is far from being professional, but this is the start (didn't feel like paying 30 some dollars for a banner)
 We made a cardboard minnie mouse head and bow by tracing a bowl and 2 cups...then traced it and cut out on black card stock. Hayden helped punch out white dots and then we glued those on to the bow.
 This is a different banner that will go over the doorway...still have a lot of work to do. We cut out bandanas and then will use ribbon to string through the holes. 
 Some more of the banner

This evening was great...
Dinner, bath time, fun time, movie (Ramona and Beezus) and popcorn (love how Hayden watches the whole movie and laughs at the funny parts), and then some special time with Hayden after Colt went to bed...we made peanut butter swirl bars...and boy did she like it:)
 She's ready to start bakin':) Don't worry about the glue...that went with our other project!

 I was pouring the mix into the pan and turned around to see this:)
God is good...and He has blessed me amazingly.


Lindsay said...

Love the minnie decorations! Nice work!
I'll be praying for you, Tori, as you get back into work. I can only imagine how difficult it is! It's just a season... hopefully a short one!

Just the Five of Us said...

Thank you, Lindsay...I appreciate the prayers more than you will ever know:)