Monday, September 26, 2011

a Monday...and Faith

Tonight I sit here, with Hayden right beside me. We are watching Open Season, or "The Bear One" as she likes to call it. She is telling me everything that is going on in the movie, asking why the bear is cryin', asking why certain things are happening, and so on. It is funny to see how she puts emotions together and why things happen the way they do. Even in a cartoon movie. Colt didn't make it to movie time. After running through the house, playing every kind of ball possible and bringing out every toy possible, he surrendered to sleep. Bless his heart. What a busy little guy he is. However, he is NEVER to busy to give his momma some lovin' before bedtime!:) Those moments make my heart smile...big. I sure have been blessed with my two babies...and the father of those babies.

While I am still trying to figure out this whole balancing act called life, I know that EVERY second I have with my children is precious time. While I still like to have everything cleaned at night before I go to bed, I am learning that it can all wait until the kids are in bed...even when it is killing me that I am going to have people over tomorrow night and the house is such a mess:) I know God has a plan for our family through this time of our lives. I am learning more now than ever how important it is to put my trust in God and to KEEP it there. I have to have faith in His purpose for our family. I found this quote as I was reading through other blogs and it stuck with me:

Faith is risking what is
for what is yet to be.
It is taking small steps
knowing they lead to bigger ones.
Faith is holding on when you want to let go.
It is letting go when you want to hold on.
Faith is hearing God’s yes
when everything else says no.
It is believing all things are possible
in the midst of impossibilities.
Faith is looking beyond what is
for what is yet to be.
It is seeing the Light in darkness,
the presence of God in all.
~ Ellen M. Cuomo © 1997©2007©2011

I know I promised some pictures, and I still have a lot to write, but Hayden is asking to "herd (hold) her", so I am going to. Goodnight:)

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