Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dentist, Mom's Night, and Daily Challenge

Today was a special day. It was Hayden's first dentist appointment. Of course I was way more nervous than she was. I kept telling her that she was going to go see a dentist who was going to look at her pretty teeth. I wanted her to know what was coming and be prepared. You ask me why I was nervous? Well, you see, my precious princess likes to bite ANYTHING that goes into her mouth, including my fingers. She has a toothbrush, but she likes to do it herself (Miss Independent). The only problem with that, is that I am not sure how "clean" her teeth are from just the biting of the toothbrush she does. I usually have to strap her down by sitting on her and pry open her mouth to brush her little pearly whites (ok, so maybe that is a little dramatic). But to my surprise, she sat very still, opened her mouth, let Dr. Fishbaugh check out her teeth, gums, and whatever else they do. Me, on the other hand started biting my nails nervously, praying that she didn't clamp on the poor dentist's fingers. He was shocked at how well she listened and her fearless attitude. He said she looked great and we have been doing a wonderful job with keeping up with the brushing. He was great. I loved him. She loved him. At the end, Hayden got to choose a little prize, which made her smile from ear to ear. Dentist visit was success.
She was, however, anxious to get back to Bubby. She didn't like the fact that I dropped him off to play with Hannah. I think she was jealous:) Thanks, Tara, for watching my little Cole-Bob.
 Waiting in to be called back and watching Mickey Mouse
 Starting to get antsy in the chair

 Every time the nurse lady turned, Hayden scooted farther up in the chair
 Playing games while waiting on the dentist
It's true love:)
Tonight was also our first Moms Night Out for our MOPS group. We went to Salsa's. It was definitely a night that God knew I needed....a night to get away and just have a "me" night. It's amazing what just a couple hours out of the house, away from everything, can do for you as a mom. I know this might sound crazy, but I felt just a little more rejuvenated when I returned back to "mother-land". After dinner, Tara and I ran by Urban Swirl and treated ourselves to some ice cream. We kept commenting on how weird it was to not be sharing our ice cream with our children and not "rushing" through our food. We actually held a non-interupting conversation for more than 5 minutes.

Now on to the daily challenge:
Eight Fears
1. I fear the dark...yes, I am 26 and still afraid of the dark. My heart starts racing and I start sweating. I have a little Scentsy light in our bathroom (but I really use it as a night light-shhhh-don't tell Nic!).
2. I fear my children's safety. I am one of those crazy moms that freaks out about kidnapping and all that. I get sick to my stomach every time I think about something happening to my babies.
3. I fear losing family members. I don't know what I would do without any of them. 
4. I fear spiders. No matter the size, I hate them. I don't care if they kill other bugs or whatever they do, I can't handle them. They are ugly and creepy.
5. I fear the safety of Nic. Yes, I pray for his safety every day when he leaves the house, but it still doesn't take away that fear that creeps up on me when I hear of a cop losing his life in the line of work.
6. I fear the future. There, I said it. Although I read Scripture constantly on the subject of fear, a part of me still thinks and worries about the future. I know it's a sin and I have always struggled with the "what-if" questions and the kids' future. 
7. I fear messing up. Daily.
8. I fear getting old. 
And friends, I now leave you with some pics of my kiddos...


sohirach said...

thank you so much for taking the pleadge! i'll be sure to put your link up ASAP. :)

love, rach.

Michael Griffin said...

Sometimes parents are more nervous than their children during the first dental visit. Maybe it’s because we think that they're fragile at such a young age, and we're afraid they might get hurt in the process. Anyways, Hayden doesn’t look stiff at all. It looks like it's not her first dental visit.