Sunday, August 7, 2011

That Kind of Moment

Today I had a moment. This moment was 20-minutes long. This moment was pure embarrassment. This moment is something every mom dreads. This moment made my face turn a dark tint of red, made the heat creep up my neck, made my heart rate speed up. 
Rewind to the morning...
Every Sunday morning we wake up and go to church. Now, my kids usually sleep until 9 but seeing as the service starts at 8:30, that meant I have to wake my sleeping child. That, my friends, is never a good thing. Sooooo...for the first time in who knows long, my husband FINALLY got to come to church with me since he didn't have to work. You have NO idea how amazing it felt to walk into church with my husband. Today, I didn't look like a complete idiot trying to get both of my kids into the building by myself! It was wonderful. Anyway, back to the story. Every Sunday when I pick the kids up from their classes, melt down mode starts to go into effect. I swear it is like some switch or something. Well, Hayden was completely glued to her Mama (grandma) that she even asked to go home with her and demanded to have her car seat. Mama invited her over so we let her go. On the way home Nic told me he had to mow the grass. I thought this would be the perfect time to go to the store since I knew this week would be chaos. As I was dropping him off at the house, he asked me, "don't you want Colt to take a nap first before you go?" Me in all my wisdom said, "oh no...this will be perfect. I will get the groceries and then he will be ready to sleep well when we get back. Plus it is only one child, so we will be fine."
Stupid me.
Here comes that moment.
I carry Colt into the store with his sippy cup and blankie. Put him in the cart. Walk through the automatic sliding doors. Then it was like someone had called "ACTION". Let the screaming begin. If you have ever heard my Colt scream, you would know that when he screams, nothing calms him down, and it is the LOUDEST scream ever. And by loudest, I mean that high-pitched SCREAM that sounds like should be coming from an adult and not a toddler. Then the tears began. I tried to just ignore it and go about gathering my groceries. Then I noticed every head was turning towards me and then looked at Colt. I tried to calm him. Nothing worked. Then the throwing of his cup and blankie began. I saw a box of crackers, so again, in all my wisdom I thought, "oh, I will just get him to eat these crackers and everything will be splendid." Again, stupid me. He started throwing the crackers, and then the whole box. By now I have my cart starting to fill but couldn't concentrate on what I really needed. 
As we go down aisle by aisle, the child is still SCREAMING. It got to the point that I knew I was screwed and it was just a battle I wasn't going to win. I knew it was bad, not by everyone looking at me, but when my ears started to hurt and I thought my face was going to explode from embarrassment. 
Now, I know every kid has their little "fits" and that is normal. But this, my dears, was NOT normal. He was kicking, he was screaming, he was throwing, he was NOT happy...and he was not going to stop anytime soon. 
I finally just left the entire cart of groceries in the middle of an aisle, grabbed my screaming child and the opened box of crackers, and headed for the check out line. As I was waiting in one of the lines, every head was turned staring at me and my child. Some in disgust, some with pitty, most with annoyance. I wanted to scream, "WHAT? HAVEN'T ANY OF YOU EVER SEEN A CHILD THROW A 20 MINUTE FIT AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS???? STOP LOOKING AT ME OR I WILL PUNCH YOU AND MAKE YOU CRY LIKE MY CHILD." But, I refrained. After all, I had just gone to church:) The cashier lady finally looked at me and said, go over to the next line. He can take you. Oh dear, bless this guy's heart. He had no idea what to say to me but, "I'm sorry your shopping experience wasn't the greatest." I just stared at him. By this time I was SO over this "shopping experience" I couldn't even wait for the bag boy to bag my crackers or to put my debit card back into my wallet. I just grabbed it and walked very fast to my car. 
Then something happened...the moment we walked out the door, Colt stopped the curdling scream, and then smiled at me. SERIOUSLY???????
Guess what happened next...
He was asleep by the time I got to the first light. husband was right. Bleh.

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