Monday, August 15, 2011

Don't even know what to label this!

Ok, so is it bad that I am gaining great anxiety over the fact that I haven't blogged for almost a week and afraid if I don't do it this second, I am going to forget everything that has happened in the past week? Goodness gracious!
Not that any of you care about the little trivial happenings around here, but I do:) it goes. I didn't write about this last week because, well, it was a busy week. You see, my other half, Nic, left for the entire week for the SRO school that was 2 1/2 hours away. I didn't write about it because frankly I don't know who the heck reads this and I didn't want any creepers to know that he was gone at the time. Anyways, it was just me and my babies for the week....and the dog. But we survived and I had amazing bonding times with both my children...complete with doing crafts with Hayden (painting frames and then making creations with scrap paper to frame), completely moving around both the kids' rooms (thanks to Reagan and Taryn), lots of snuggle time with Hayden since we are trying to get over the whole "scared of the room" thing, lots of laughs, many trips to McDonald's for their ice cream cones, trips to my parents (thank you for everything by the way!!), and many more memories. We certainly did miss the man of the house though. Hayden would break down in tears at times screaming for "DADDY!!!!" Nights were long thinking that EVERY sound was someone trying to break in and steal us. But, no one did! That is a good thing for Nic:) I definitely missed my best friend. I missed just being with him.
Then Friday finally was a little hectic now that I think about it. I had all 7 kids until 1:30. At that time 3 of them left, so 4 remained. I packed all 4 in the car, headed to my parents, played with the kids awhile there, kissed my babies goodbye, left them with their grandparents (where they stayed the entire weekend), packed up the last 2 children, headed back home, waited for their mom to pull in, watched Nic and their mom pull in the exact same time, said goodbye to the 2 girls, packed up the car for our car trip, and left for our supposed to be 4 hours, which was only 3 hours:)
Nic's softball team played at the State Tournament this weekend in Bloomington. Everyone got there Friday night and just hung out since the tourney didn't start until Saturday. We hung out outside the hotel and played cards, washers, and just talked. Saturday we got to sleep in (well, us wives anyways). It was so weird because all summer we have all been hit and miss at the games because we all have kids. In case you don't know what that means, it means that we don't ever get to really talk or watch the games. This weekend, there were NO kids...can you say "wha????" Back to sleeping was wonderful. When we were all ready, us wives headed out to the games...they won their first which have us a couple hours to relax. We grilled out in the parking lot and then the wives headed back to lay by the pool for awhile. It was a great time to just really get to know them a little more even though some of them I have known before marriage and before kids. Ok, enough rambling. We headed back to the games, which we were late to AGAIN. I forget how the rest of the games played out but I know they lost their next one and then won a whole bunch of them before losing the last game of the day:( It was a long day, but fun. We did plan on all going out to eat at a nice restaurant but by the time we all got back and showered it was around 9:30 and so we ended up some place that we sat outside and got rained on:)
We stayed up super late hanging out and playing cards but we got to sleep in on Sunday!! It was a wonderful weekend with my hubby and I am so thankful for that time to get away, even if there was softball involved!
Mom and dad-THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for taking such amazing care of my babies!!! You are amazing and I am just so grateful for you! I know that the kids absolutely adore you, Tissy, and Rara!!!
After getting ready on Sunday morning, we headed back to our kiddies. My parents' friends let our family use their house for the entire week, which happens to be on our favorite lake, so that is where we headed!! It is such a beautiful house and they are such gracious people! We spent the evening playing cards and spending time outside. There is just something about a lake that is just so relaxing.
We headed home when bedtime was coming....BUT we were right back here in the morning!!! My lucky mom and dad!! 
I only had 2 extra kids today so I just brought them up. They had a blast and I am worn out! Random insert-Colton and Hayden all of the sudden broke out in all these dots, in which my dad diagnosed as Rosiola (don't know spelling). I thought they were chicken pox but I guess they aren't. They are covered from head to toe in these red dots....poor babies. They don't seemed bothered by it though. It was a beautiful day so we were outside the entire day. Grandma was here for the day, which was a blessing! Tara and Steve came up for the evening for a cookout and some INSANE wave runner time complete with a bonfire. Let's just say I made myself completely sick! All worth it though.
Ok, these blabberings are getting out of hand I believe because it is 11 at night and I am WORN out! Just wanted to record everything before I forgot!!

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