Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I know it has been awhile since I have blogged. The truth is, life has been just plain busy. We are trying to adjust to all the changes happening, which is quite overwhelming if you ask me. Absolutely overwhelming.
We have started Hayden and Colton at a new school this week. They will only be going 3 days a week and only for about 4 hours. Yesterday was their first day. Of course Colt loved it...tells me all about how he played with his new friends and how he gets to eat lunch there. He thinks that is awesome. The teachers love him and tell me how great he is. Hayden did better than I expected yesterday...cried, but not that overwhelming scream. Her teacher told me she did just fine...had her moments of crying but still participated. Today was a different story. This morning was a complete nightmare...couldn't get her out of the car and she SCREAMED. Man oh man. THe teacher had to peel her off of me. BUT my mom had to pick her up since I had to work and she told me she had 4 teachers tell her how AWESOME Hayden did once she settled down. I was SOOOO relieved. She told me when I got home about how nice her teacher is and how she really likes her new school. She did, however, have a meltdown tonight...crying and saying she didn't want to go we will see. Baby steps.
Another huge change is Nic has changed jobs. This Friday will be his last day at the department. He is going to be working at Forrest River starting Monday. I can't tell you how weird this is. The police world is all we know as a family. Many people have asked why is changing jobs. Nic's passion is coaching. It always has been. If he would have stayed on the department, he wouldn't have the chance to go back to school to get his teaching degree and coach. So, this opportunity came and we prayed and he took it. It also offers more money:) That never hurts. I am so proud of him and I will always be proud of him.
So...that is where we are at right now.
Oh yeah...real quick...we have been doing memory verses each week. The first week was "Do not be anxious about anything." The next week it was "Be kind to one another." Hayden kinda got them mixed up and told me her verse was "Do not be kind to anyone." We had to talk about that one:) This week is "He is my Rock and my Salvation." She says, "He is my Rock and my elevation." I love her:)

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