Monday, January 7, 2013

Hayden starts Pre-School

Today my baby girl started her first day of preschool. That's right, my little 4 year old is old enough to be in PRE-SCHOOL. How is that?? It snuck up on me that's for sure!
Nic and I started looking at preschools a couple months ago because we decided that it would be good for Hayden to be around kids her own age and to start getting the feel of a school setting. I didn't want to start her at the beginning of the school year because I simply felt she wasn't ready...or maybe I wasn't ready? Anyways, we decided that I would be subbing this semester and she seemed like she was mature enough to go to preschool. She was ready for a routine.
We found a wonderful preschool, Brennamen. It is at a church. I absolutely loved the director when I met her and I knew right away we were making the right decision. I was very impressed how the whole preschool was run and I knew Hayden would do great and excel.
It was a bittersweet couple of weeks leading up to the big day. I knew Hayden would love it and I knew it was what she needed, but I also was dreading it because, well, she is my baby. What was I going to do without her? Would she make friends? Would she fit in? What if she needed me?
Well, all of those questions were put to the way side when I picked her up. Turns out she didn't need me...and she fit in just fine.
I was surprised I didn't ball my eyes out when I left her. I think it is because I felt so comfortable and knew she was a in great hands. Because I didn't sub today and it was her first day, I decided to pick her up after she ate lunch. I swear I looked at the clock every 10 minutes from the time I dropped her off until the time I picked her up. Ha!
When I picked her up she was still eating lunch. It was so weird walking in and seeing her sitting with other kids her age eating away. All of the sudden it made her look so big and old. Kinda hard to swallow.
Her teacher showed me her classroom and where her little cubby was. She then showed me the snowflake Hayden had made. little girl was in school.
I believe she had a good day...she told me about her food and about playing with bouncy balls. She seemed tired though. Bless her heart. I hope to hear more when she is rested!
All I know is it is hard to let go...even for preschool. She still needs me right?!
 When I woke her up to get her dressed she told me she had to wear her Irish shirt because of the game tonight:)

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