Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Answered Prayer

For those of you that have been praying for Hayden, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hayden didn't go to school yesterday (Monday) due to being sick, but she went today. She cried this morning when I woke her up. I just kept praying and praying that God would comfort her and give her  peace. One of my friends suggested giving her a watch and setting a timer on it. I did just that. She calmed down the second I put it on her writst. I told her that she was going to eat breakfast, play, make a project, eat lunch, and then I would be there. I of course set the timer later just in case I was running late. She told me on the way there that she just didn't want to stay so long. I promised her she wasn't going to stay all day. She was good with that.
She cried just a little when I left but nothing like last week. When I picked her up, she ran to me and gave me a great big hug. When I aked about her day, she told me she played with "Befany." She said she had a good day! I can't tell you how happy that made my heart!
I have only heard her say she didn't want to go to school once tonight and that was while she was talking to Bubby. No tears!!! What a relief! I just think that full day is too much for her right now.

Also, sidenote- Usually after devotions at night, Nic or I will pray with the kids. Tonight, Hayden took charge. Her prayer-"Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Thank you for mommy, daddy, Bubby, Easton, and all of our family. Amen." Later on, she told me she forgot to pray for something...so she started again-"Dear Jesus, thank you for Gramma, Poppy, Krissy, Sarah, and all of her friends. I just really love Hannah. Amen."
Seriously...heart completely melted.
She is one precious girl.
One more quote from Colt and then I am going to get off here and cuddle with my girl. As I was hugging Colt goodbye (he went to a basketball game with Nic), I said, "Have fun Buddy! I will miss you!" He hugged me back and said, "Don't worry, mom! I'll come back!"
Alright, goodnight!!!

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