Sunday, January 13, 2013

Easton is 5 Months

(First of all, I want to apologize for the pictures...I am still learning my ipad...apparently not quick enough)

Dear Easton,
Today marks 5 whole months since you have been born. Every day you are growing and melting my heart like a puddle.

We are pretty much attached to each other...where I go, you go. I just can't get enough of you. Every time I look into your beg brown beautiful eyes, I can't help but thank God for giving you to me. You continue to steal my heart every single day.

This month has been a big month for you. You are talking so much! You love your bouncer and your little Boppy seat. You love pulling things to your mouth and chewing on them. You also are SO close to rolling over. That arm just gets in the way. You have been taking a bottle like a champ. You are still nursing 95% of the time but I will be subbing this semester so I need to make sure you will take a bottle when you need to. You are also very close to sitting on your own. You love to be rocked. The song "Jesus Loves Me" calms you down every time. You absolutely adore your big brother and sister. And they adore you. You just watch them. I can't wait until you can join them!

You still aren't too fond of the bath tub or being left on your back for too long.
Since your sister has started preschool, you have been on a great schedule. You are now napping two times a day- 9:30 and 1:00. You sleep about an hour and a half at a time. Night time is a different story. But it is getting better.
You are such happy little boy. Your smile is unbelievably adorable with those little dimples. You are quite the flirt. Your personality is just precious and so sweet.
I didn't know it was possible to love you kids as much as I do. I will always love you.
Love you sweet boy,
Your Mommy

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