Wednesday, December 5, 2012


If you do not have children, you will not be able to relate to this post. If you do not have children, this is not meant to scare you.

Motherhood is hard. It is a hard, thankless, terrifying, stressful job. You don’t get paid…you don’t get vacations or time off because it is a 24/7 job…you don’t get to go to the bathroom by yourself without a small child staring at you or hands coming through the bottom of the door. Most days you feel like you fail miserably. You go to bed praying that tomorrow maybe you would have more patience, grace, wisdom…or maybe just the chance to shower alone. You lose your temper. You apologize. You cry. You pray. You wonder what you are doing wrong or wishing you handled something different. You feel like a referee and you should be carrying around a whistle…I carry around a wooden spoon.


It is also the most rewarding job. When you become a mother/father, all of the sudden everything around you seems to fade and that child becomes your life…your heartbeat. The amount of love you have for your child covers anything mentioned above. You do what you do because you love your child so deeply and so strongly that sometimes it hurts. Those moments that that they learn something new, say something sweet, hold your hand, or simply just smile, lights up your entire world. When you mess up, they are quick to forgive (most of the time). It is you who they come to when they have a boo boo. It is you who they come to when they don’t feel good and need to be taken care of. It is you who they come to when they need encouragement or simply just a hug. It is you who they try so hard to please. It is you who they come to when they have accomplished something. It is you who they come to when they just need to hear 3 simple words…”I love you.” It is you who they look to when they need wisdom. It is you who they come to when they just need to cry. You see, although this job is hard, I would NEVER trade a single moment for ANYTHING in the world. These children are my life. They are a blessing.

So tonight I will hold my babies a little tighter, stare a little longer, and love little deeper. Tonight I will pray that although I might have screwed up being a mother royally today, that I will have another chance at this thing called motherhood.

1 comment:

Beth said...

So perfecty written, and I couldn't agree more! ;-)