Monday, June 18, 2012

Hot Hot Hot

So I know I have procrastinated a little in writing this, but I have been a little busy enjoying the little munchkins:)
On Saturday, the kids and I went with my parents to celebrate Papa's birthday. It was a great time with all the cousins and aunts and uncles. The kids especially enjoyed playing with all the cool water guns and balls that Aunt Robin brought. They got along great and it was just fun to sit back, talk to family members that I don't get to see very often and relax.

The kids did well, even without their nap time. I really thought they would sleep all the way home, but they did this instead...

Oh well...better than screaming:)
Sunday we celebrated Father's Day. Nic was playing in a softball tourney all weekend so he didn't get home till around 2. We took a little family nap and then headed to my parents' house for a cookout. I enjoyed celebrating not only my own father, but the father of my children. They are both incredible dad's.

Today was HOT. Nic returned to the road today. I decided to take the kids to the park down the road. We played for awhile until I thought I was going to completely melt! But the kids enjoyed it. I also promised them that when they got up from their naps that daddy and I would take them to the Splash Pad. All in all, I think the kids had a good day and should sleep well tonight. I pray I do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hayden has such a great ass love that wedgie shot mommy