Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Break is Finally Here!!

We are now in the month of JUNE!!! We are on our 3rd day of Summer break, and I have to admit, I am LOVING every second of it. I have been trying to soak up every second of every moment that I have with my babies right now. That could be why I am just now sitting down to blog:) Both the kids are napping and I am sitting in quietness. Anyways, I thought I would catch you up on what we have been doing so far this summer through pictures:)
On Wednesday (first day of break), we headed to the zoo with Poppy and Gamma. It was a gorgeous day and the kids were in LOVE with all the animals.

 When we asked Hayden what she wanted to look at first, she responded with, "SPIDERS!"

 This was my favorite part:)

Thursday, Tara and I took all the kids to a park/splash pad that we found last year...the only problem was when we went to play in the water, we found a sign that said it didn't open until 12. It was 10:30. We had some VERY upset little children. So, Tara found a different place in Mishawaka by the River Walk that was absolutely perfect. The kids played in the water and had a picnic for lunch.

I can't tell you the joy I am feeling being able to wake up with the kids and spend all day with them. While we do have our patches and our fits, I never want to take a second for granted.

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