Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent Calendar

I know it is a little late to be starting an advent calendar, but I have been really wanting to do one, but didn't know how to start. After searching blogs and Pinterest, I decided that I would make one out of blankets that we never use. It's not perfect, it's not the most creative, but I think it will work just fine for us! One of the things that I am really wanting to do with our kids is teach them that Christmas is not about receiving presents (although they do get to open some), but about giving. This is very hard for young children to understand, but I am praying that by starting younger, they will grow up giving.
After debating what to do, I decided on writing down an activity, or some way of giving back, each day of the month until Christmas. I am looking forward to starting this tradition with our family and I know Hayden is stoked. Each day the kids will pull out the activity from the little pocket and then, as a family, we will do what it says on the card.

I saw on one blog that they included a verse for each day that, when all was said and done, it would be the story of Christ's birth. Some of the activities might be a little advanced for the kids this year, but I am hoping by next year Hayden will at least be able to do them.

-Make and play with homemade play-doh
-Bake cookies for a neighbor
-Read The Night Before Christmas
-Drink hot chocolate
-Paint pictures for nursing home residents
-Play secret Santa to someone who could use Holiday cheer
-Start a family puzzle
-Write a Christmas story together.
-Make Christmas cards for family

-Make a cake for Jesus' birthday
-Make a red and green paper chain of 25 links
-Eat cinnamon rolls for breakfast
-Open one gift
-Have an indoor picnic with Christmas music
-Look at pictures from the past year
-Make holiday pretzel treats
-Watch Christmas movies and pop popcorn
-Bake cookies and decorate them
-Play games as a family
-Donate a toy for a needy child
-Make a Christmas ornament
-Make a Christmas milkshake
-Put on PJ's and go ride around looking for Christmas lights
-Make a wreath using finger paint

Although this stage is absolutely crazy, I am loving every minute of it with my kiddies. They are such an incredible blessing.
On another note, Nic and I had our first date in a very long time! Just the 2 of us, for 4 wonderful hours:) We went for pizza and then the Concord High School Christmas Spectacular. I love that we can get away and reconnect...even for just a few hours. It is refreshing, and I am thankful for that time. Anyways, I am going to cuddle with my little girl before she falls asleep. Night:)

1 comment:

Sarah Ferguson said...

i absolutely LOVE all of these!!! you are such a creative mommy!!!