Tuesday, December 6, 2011

25 Facts

I was reading my normal blogs today when I came across a couple of different blogs that told 25 facts about themselves. Now, I know that some of you aren't dying to know 25 facts about me, but I thought it would be fun, so here it goes...
I rarely drive past McDonald's without getting a large Diet Coke for $1.07.
If I am at home alone, I am watching either I Love Lucy or Friends. Nothing else. 
I hate to drive. I make everyone around me drive. Even if it is my car. Ask Tara.
I don't watch the News. I know I should keep up with everything, blah, blah, blah. But it freaks me out knowing about all the bad things happening in the world. I like to pretend everything is ok.
I can't make pancakes or grilled cheese. I try. I fail. 
Once I start a book, I HAVE to finish it with the next couple of days.
I could eat Hacienda any day of the week, any meal of the day. Everyday.
I get lost...a lot. I have no sense of direction whatsoever.
I talk to my mom at least once a day...if not more.
My favorite place to be is at my parents' kitchen table with ALL my siblings and family talking and laughing.
I have anxiety attacks. I hate large crowds.
I don't like to cuddle in bed. I feel claustrophobic. I love my hubby, but I have to sleep with space. 
Cookie dough is a food group for me:)
It takes me FOREVER to fall asleep. My husband, on the other hand, can start snoring within 5 minutes of laying down.
I hate showering. Don't worry...I do...but I still dread it:)
Sometimes I go in my children's rooms while they are sleeping just to hold them and pray over them.
Nic is my best friend. I know that sounds funny and people are saying, "duh, he's your husband." But he TRULY is my bestest friend in the whole world. 
I don't wear much makeup. Partly because I don't take the time to apply it. I love eye shadow and all that, but don't take the time.
I laugh the most with Nic and our kids. They are comedians.
I make lists for everything....just so I can cross it off and make it look like I accomplish a lot. Even after I do a chore, I write it out...then cross it off:)
Twenty One.
I can't sleep in our bed if Nic is gone. If he is working late, I stay on the couch until he gets home...I don't sleep until he is home. If he is out of town, I sleep on the floor...in the living room...with our dog. 
Twenty Two.
I sing to myself in the car. I am that person you pull up beside and is totally jamming out. I pretend that I am the best singer in the world.
Twenty Three.
I forget things all the time. I mean all.the.time. My kids took my memory when I delivered them.
Twenty Four.
I play with my hair....all the time. It's my trademark. And my comfort.
Twenty Five
I can't watch scary movies. I can't. I just can't. Or I don't sleep. Or I wake up Nic every hour to tell him I'm scared.

There ya go friends! 

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