Monday, July 9, 2012

Blueberries, 4th of July, and Family Time

What a July already! We have been certainly enjoying this month, despite the incredible heat that we have been having. What a site it is to see an 8 month pregnant woman trying to stay cool! I can tell you right this second, I don't even care!
Since the last time I wrote, Nic has gone on a long weekend fishing trip with his father, we celebrated the 4th of July, and Nic had this whole last week off...which we jammed pack everything we could. Most of it contained water simply because it was too hot to do anything else, like go to the zoo.
While Nic was gone on his fishing trip, I stayed at my parent's most of the time. I know I am a grown up but I still hate staying out the house at night alone...don't judge:) Plus the kids LOVE Gamma's and Poppy's house. So why not?!
We went blueberry picking...

 Colt ate way more than actually ended up in the bucket.
 Hayden was a pro and was very proud of herself.

(Not sure why some of the pics are all messed up:/)
We also ate lots and lots of ice every night:)

As for Nic's week off, we enjoyed going to the campground, going to the spray park, playing in a pool, and celebrating the 4th of July. Did anything at the house get done? Absolutely not. Do I care? Absolutely not! We were together as a family, and that is ALL that I cared about!

 These 3 were so fun to watch interact. They got along so well!

 Oh yes, and something to note for next year...Colt isn't fond of fireworks...AT ALL! He was shaking the entire time and told me I had to take him inside. He still talks about them and tells me he doesn't like them and they are bad. DID NOT see that one coming!

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