Monday, November 21, 2011

I am blank because...

I seriously can't believe it is Thanksgiving week! I am soooo super excited to let the festivities more day of more day!! I can do this:)

So, as I was reading through my daily blogs tonight, I saw a post and thought it would be fun to do. ya go:)

I am weird because...
I would rather watch I Love Lucy or Friends over any other show on TV.
I could eat chips and salsa for any meal...including breakfast.
I will eat the pizza crust without the rest of the pizza.
I sleep on the floor of our family room with our dog when Nic is away.
I can't sleep in our room by myself.
I pick at my head until it bleeds, and then get upset when I have blood under my nails.
I get my feelings hurt over stupid, stupid things. 
I have to read my daily blog roll ever. single. day.
I hate to shower (don't worry, I still do shower).
I LOVE getting mail via snail mail.
I don't like loud music.
I make a weekly dinner list...but never follow it.
I hate to exercise.
I don't like to cuddle in bed...I feel claustrophobic.
I have anxiety attacks during the night.
It takes me FOREVER to fall asleep.
I would rather be cold than hot because I can cover up with a blanket.

I'm a bad friend because...
I am insecure at times.
I don't return calls/texts in a timely fashion.
I forget to return calls/texts.
I am bad about sending thank-you/birthday/Christmas cards.

I'm a good friend because...
I love my friends' kids like they were my own.
I would die for anyone of my friends...seriously.
I would do anything any time of day for my friends.
I want to see my friends succeed.
I am proud of each of them.
I love to laugh hard and am not afraid to act silly.

I am sad because...
The pain from losing my first child is still very real.
I want to see my brother, sister-in-law, and niece.
I want to stay home with my kids.
I feel that I fail my family and friends a lot.
I carry momma guilt...a lot.

I am happy because...
I am sitting here with the fireplace on and my husband and baby are by my side and baby boy is talking away in his crib.
my children played all evening together without fighting.
our house smells like apple crisp.
I have been blessed with amazing coworkers.
I get to see my sisters soooo soon!
my husband and Steve watched all 3 kiddos while Tara and I (and my parents) went to Breaking Dawn.
tomorrow is my last work day for the week.
I get to watch my hubby play and read with our children...and they absolutely adore him.
the laundry is almost ALL done...for today.
my hubby helped me clean ALL the dishes and clean out the fridge.
Hayden hasn't had accidents in a while. 
I am loved by my family and friends.

I am excited for...
Turkey eating.
Christmas music.
Christmas decorating.
Family time.
Puzzles with the sisters and mom.
Craft night with Tara.
Christmas movies.
Family time.

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